It is a dormant living thing. Under the right conditions, it becomes an active living thing.
An apple on a tree is considered nonliving. Once the apple is detached from the tree, it no longer receives nutrients and will eventually decompose.
No, why would you think that? oh o I questioned something in an answer....
Seeds are alive. They contain an embryo plant which uses the endosperm inside the seed for food until they are planted.
no dood
No, rice is not a living thing because it is a seed or grain produced by the rice plant. Once harvested, the rice grain is considered a non-living or inert material.
A viable apple seed is alive. If you plant it, it will grow.
An apple on a tree is considered nonliving. Once the apple is detached from the tree, it no longer receives nutrients and will eventually decompose.
Living thing. Since a seed is in a living thing, it is living. Most likely, that is your answer.
The seed is a living thing because it can grow
A viable apple seed is alive. If you plant it, it will grow.
Yes, an apple seed is alive because it contains living cells that can germinate and grow into a new apple tree under suitable conditions.
living thing
A seed IS a living thing. It is composed of a multicellular embryo plant with food (called the endosperm). It has a life expectancy and will eventually die, particularly if exposed to extreme temperatures.
Yes, a seed is technically a living thing. It needs water to live, and it grows. =)