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i guess we will never know that only god knows

it may be a herbivore a carnivore or a omnivore but my guess is carnivore...

animal biologists are currently researching weather they are Herbivore Carnivore or a Omnivore.

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By hulk789

Fireflies most probably eat nectar, and some species cannibalize, which means eating each other (within the species).

What the larvae of the firefly eat is a lot more interesting. It eats carrion (decaying meat), slugs, snails, etc.

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13y ago
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2mo ago

Not all insects are herbivores. Some insects are herbivores, feeding mainly on plants, while others are carnivores, feeding on other insects or animals. Additionally, some insects are omnivores, consuming both plant and animal matter.

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15y ago

Ask my Science teacher Mr. Albers herbivore herbivore

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11y ago

None of the above. Fungus is not an animal so it is neither.

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10y ago

Silverfish can be considered a herbivore because it will eat dead insects. It will also eat cotton, linen, silk, and it's own molted exoskeleton.

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13y ago

Insects include a wide variety of animals - in fact, the widest variety, since about 70% or 80% of all animal species are insects. Some insects, then, are herbivores, others are carnivores.

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15y ago

Y e s

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11y ago


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4y ago

i dont know

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Q: Is an insect a herbivore
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Is an insect an herbivore?

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