Douglas fir - like all firs - is a softwood."Softwood" is actually a term that is used to classify all the conifers while "hardwood" is used as a classification for all angiosperm trees. In terms of actual "hardness", density or mechanical strength, the "softwoods" overlap the "hardwoods" with the hardest softwoods being harder than the softest hardwoods. The average hardness for hardwoods is harder than the average hardness of softwoods. Douglas fir in particular is definitely softer than most hardwoods.
No, pencils are typically made from a mixture of graphite and clay for the inner core, and wood for the outer casing. The wood used is often a type of hardwood, such as cedar, not softwood.
Softwood typically comes from coniferous trees such as pine, spruce, fir, and cedar. These trees are known for their needle-like leaves, cone-bearing fruits, and generally faster growth compared to hardwood trees. Softwood is commonly used in construction, furniture, and paper products.
Hardwood trees have broad leaves and are angiosperms, while softwood trees have needle-like or scale-like leaves and are gymnosperms. Hardwood trees are typically deciduous, shedding their leaves annually, while softwood trees are usually evergreen, keeping their foliage year-round. Additionally, hardwood trees are generally denser and slower growing compared to softwood trees.
Lime wood is considered a hardwood. It is known for its fine texture and is commonly used in carving due to its softness and workability.
Tamarack, otherwise known as larch, is a softwood. Softwood species are normally evergreen trees with needles and cones, conifers. Tamarack is a conifer but it is deciduous, loses its needles each fall like a hardwood.
Cedar is a soft wood, it has a loose coarse grain.
A leaf is neither. A cherry tree is a hardwood.
To my knowledge, any deciduous tree ( A tree that loses it's leaves in the winter) is considered a hardwood. Even the Tulip Poplar tree that is most often mistaken for a softwood, is a hardwood tree.
Wikipedia lists palmwood as a hardwood.
No, it's a hardwood.
Cedar is a softwood. It is also a relatively low density, light and soft timber with a fairly open grain. Softwood is a confusing term, because it actually refers to the species of tree rather than the density. Softwood tree species are conifers, and hardwoods are angiosperms (flowering trees). There are softwood timbers that are dense and hard, such as yew, and hardwood timbers that are light and soft, such as balsa.
I believe that a sassafras tree is a hardwood
Aspen , being a deciduous tree, provides a hardwood.
Hardwood comes from trees with wide leaves, while softwood comes from conifers like cypress and pines. The chestnut tree is a hardwood tree.
Its a soft hardwood its like elm but harder to work