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yes it is because you absorb carbon dioxide and water to produce sugar in photosynthesis.

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Q: Is production of sugar in photosynthesis exothermic and endothermic?
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Is production of sugar in photosynthesis exothermic or endothermic?

Exothermic because energy is lost by creating the sugar.

Is burning sugar endothermic?

No, burning sugar is exothermic because it releases energy in the form of heat and light. The chemical reaction between sugar and oxygen produces carbon dioxide and water, along with energy that is released in the form of heat and light.

Is ice cream a exothermic or endothermic reaction?

Ice cream production is an exothermic process because heat is released when the cream and sugar mix is churned and freezes. The freezing process of the mixture releases heat, making it an exothermic reaction.

What is the immediate source for hydrogen atoms for the production of sugar during photosynthesis?

The immediate source of hydrogen atoms for the production of sugar during photosynthesis is water. Water molecules are split into oxygen, protons, and electrons, and the electrons and protons are used to reduce carbon dioxide to produce sugar while releasing oxygen as a byproduct.

How many reactants are chemically bonded in the compound for sugar?

Carbon dioxide and water are the reactants in the photosynthesis reaction by which sugar and oxygen are produced in green plants with sun light for endothermic (= needed) energy.

Why Sugar is needed for the Photosynthesis?

Sugar is not needed by photosynthesis. Sugar is the product of photosynthesis.

Is sugar and water a chemical change?

No, mixing sugar and water is a physical change, as both substances retain their chemical identity. The sugar dissolves in the water, forming a homogeneous mixture without any new substances being formed.

Is the melting of candle wax and exothermic or endothermic change?

The melting of candle wax is an endothermic change because it absorbs energy from its surroundings to break the intermolecular forces holding the wax molecules together. This energy is needed to overcome the attraction between molecules and change the wax from a solid to a liquid state.

How many molecules of oxygen produced along with one molecules of sugar?

With the production of one molecule of sugar six molecules of oxygen are produced during photosynthesis.

Is burning sugar endothemic process?

No, burning sugar is exothermic.

What happeneds to the sugar in photosynthesis?

the sugar produced by photosynthesis is the plants 'food.' it is the point of the process. plants 'do' photosynthesis to get sugar, which they 'consume' in a way.

What is sugar created by photosynthesis called?

The sugar created by photosynthesis is called glucose.