Yes, the genetic scientist, Francis Collins is still alive.
In 2013 he is 63 years old and currently lives in Staunton, Virginia, USA.
At the present time (January 2008) James Watson is still alive but Francis Crick died in 2004. For a biography of Crick see: James Watson will be turning 82 this year (2010) but Francis crick died in 2004
No, James Watson is still alive. He is a molecular biologist who is best known for his role in the discovery of the structure of DNA alongside Francis Crick.
Francis Crick passed away on July 28, 2004, while James Watson is still alive as of September 2021.
No, Francis Crick passed away on July 28, 2004. He was a renowned molecular biologist who, along with James Watson, discovered the double-helix structure of DNA in 1953.
James Watson was born on April 6, 1928 and is still alive. Unfortunately, Francis Crick passed away on July 28, 2004 at the age of 88.
If you mean the actress Joan Collins, then yes she is still alive and still acting.
Medium on earthYes, Doris Collins was born in 1918 and is still alive.
she is still alive
Yes in 2010 Eileen Collines is still alive to day
Yes, Suzanne Collins is still alive. She was born on August 10, 1962, and as of my last update, she is alive and well.
Yes of course
Francis Collins was born on April 14, 1950.
Tom Francis Collins died in 1907.
Tom Francis Collins was born in 1886.
Assuming you mean Fran 'Tarkenton' (aka Francis Asbury) - He is indeed still alive.