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DNA is replicated in the Synthesis stage of the cell cycle.

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Elinor McDermott

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2y ago
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15y ago

DNA is copied at about the middle of interphase. The stage is called the S phase.

The nuclear DNA is copied by semi-conservative replication. For this to occur, the molecules of DNA must be extended, so that free nucleotides can be moved into position and incorporated into a growing strand alongside an existing strand.

DNA is extended throughout interphase, but condensed during cell divisions.

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12y ago

DNA is replicated in the Synthesis stage of the cell cycle.

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Q: During which phase does the DNA make a copy of itself?
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Does thermal energy increase during a phase change?

Thermal energy may increase or decrease during a phase change. It depends on which "direction" the change is going. In a phase change between a solid and liquid, as in the case of water, the solid water (ice) will reach 0 °C by absorbing thermal energy. It's temperature will be rising as it absorbs heat. But at the transition temperature, it must still absorb some heat to "make the transition" from ice at 0 °C to water a 0 °C. This thermal energy is the enthalpy of fusion. Thermal energy will have increased during the phase change. Another way make the point is that water at 0 °C will have more thermal energy than an equal mass of ice at 0 °C. If you guessed that the opposite is true, you'd be correct. The changes in thermal energy apply to "regular" phase changes between solids, liquids and gases. (There are other types of phase change that don't involve thermal energy or the change of state from solid, liquid or gas.) A link can be found to the enthalpy of fusion for you to investigate further into this one type of transition. That link is below.

Scientists make blank to help them make a hypothesis or collect data during an experiment?

Scientists make observations to help them make a hypothesis or collect data during an experiment.

The longest phase of mitosis?

Longest phase is the prophase. It is the first and longest phase

How has the photocopier made jobs easier?

Prior to the advent of the photocopier, making a duplicate of any document (such as a type written page) involved either a) using carbon paper to make a rather messy and poor quality copy as you typed, or b) hand copying the document itself. Before computerized word processing, documents were either hand written, or typed. Before the typewriter, they were handwritten. In the 'olden' days before any mechanical writing devices (and discounting the printing press, which was not really an individual's tool) the only way to get a copy of a document was to hand-copy it. Monks and clerks or scribes were an entire class of people who did nothing but reproduce documents.

What do scientists make to help them make a hypothesis or collect data during an experiment?


Related questions

When does DNA make a copy of itself?

during interphase

In which stage does the DNA make an exact copy of itself?

The DNA makes an exact copy of itself during the S phase of the cell cycle, which is part of interphase. This process is called DNA replication and is essential for cell division and passing genetic information to daughter cells.

Which DNA code can make a copy of itself?

The universal DNA code can make a copy of itself.

What makes a copy of itself?

the only thing that can make a copy of itself is a cell.

What makes copy of itself?

the only thing that can make a copy of itself is a cell.

What part of a cell can make a copy of itself?

The DNA molecule can make a copy of itself through the process of DNA replication. This occurs during cell division, ensuring that each new cell receives a complete set of genetic information.

How does DNA replicate make a copy of itself?


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What part of the cell cycle does the DNA make a copy of itself?


The characteristic of DNA that allows it to make an exact copy of itself is its?

The characteristic of DNA that allows it to make an exact copy of itself is its ability to undergo replication. During replication, the DNA molecule unwinds and each strand serves as a template for the synthesis of a new complementary strand, resulting in two identical DNA molecules.

What is a stand of DNA that does not make an exact copy of itself?

It is a mutated strand sinc e mutated strand isn't an exact copy of the original.

What has to happen before a cell can make a copy of itself?

Before a cell can make a copy of itself, it needs to undergo DNA replication. During this process, the cell's genetic information is duplicated so that each daughter cell receives a complete set of genetic instructions. This ensures that the new cells created are genetically identical to the original cell.