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A: 9 students take biology but not history. B: 11 take neither bio nor history. Reasons: A: 9 is the answer because if you subtract the number of students who take history and bio (8) from the total number of bio students (17) you get 9 (the remaining number of bio students who do not take history). B: 11 is the answer because a total of 22 students take history. however, 8 students take bio and history, and before, we found that 9 students only take bio. Therefore, if we add up the number of only bio students and history students (of which some also take bio, but are not exclusively bio), we get 31 students. If we subtract 31 from 42 (the total number of students), we get 11 remaining students who are in neither bio nor history.

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A) To find the number of students taking only Biology, subtract the number taking both from the total taking biology: 17 - 8 = 9 students taking biology but not history. B) To find the number taking neither biology nor history, subtract the total taking at least one subject from the total students: 42 - (22 + 17 - 8) = 11 students taking neither subject.

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Q: In a group of 42 students 22 take history 17 take biology and 8 take both history and biology A How many students take biology but not history B How many students take neither bio or hist?
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What is control setup in biology?

Control setup in biology refers to a group in an experiment that does not receive the treatment being tested. It is used to provide a baseline comparison to measure the effects of the treatment group. This helps researchers determine if any observed changes are due to the treatment or other factors.

What are domains and how many are there biology?

Domains are the highest taxonomic rank that organisms are grouped into. In biology, there are three domains: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. Each domain represents a major group of organisms with different characteristics and evolutionary histories.

What best describes a tetrad?

Four chromatidsFour chromatids

In Biology terms What is systems and interactions?

In biology, systems refer to a group of organs or structures that work together to perform specific functions in an organism. Interactions in biology refer to the ways in which different components of an organism, such as cells, tissues, or organisms, communicate or affect each other to carry out various biological processes.

What is a relationship of Systematics to other kinds of biology?

Systematics is a branch of biology that focuses on classifying and naming organisms based on their evolutionary relationships. It is closely related to other biological disciplines like evolutionary biology, ecology, and genetics, as it provides the framework for understanding the diversity and evolutionary history of life on Earth. Systematics helps biologists study how organisms have evolved over time and how they are interconnected in the tree of life.

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