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The offspring's genotype will be AA. Both parents are homozygous dominant, AA, having only dominant alleles to pass on to their offspring. So each parent can pass on only the dominant allele (A) to its offspring. So the offspring will also be homozygous dominant, AA.

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3w ago

The offspring will have the genotype AAA, as they inherit one copy of the A allele from each parent. This is an example of a homozygous genotype.

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11y ago

principle of segregation

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14y ago

AA, Aa, Aa, aa

1:2:1 Ratio

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Q: If the male parent has the genotype AAA and the female parent has the genotype AAA offsprings genotype will be?
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Can parent with as and AA genotype give birth to ac genotype?

No, a parent with AS and AA genotype cannot give birth to a child with AC genotype. The parent can only pass on either the A allele or the S allele to their child, resulting in genotypes of either AA or AS.

When do you acquire your unique genotype?

You acquire your unique genotype at conception when you inherit half of your genetic material from each of your parents. Your genotype is determined by the combination of genes you receive from your parents, influencing your physical traits and certain aspects of your health.

Who is responsible for sex determination in humans the male or the female parent?

The sex determination in humans is determined by the male parent through the presence of the X or Y chromosome in the sperm. The female parent always contributes an X chromosome. If the sperm carries an X chromosome, the resulting offspring will be female (XX), and if it carries a Y chromosome, the offspring will be male (XY).

A human with the genotype XY is?

a biologically male individual. The XY genotype typically refers to the genetic makeup of males in humans, where X represents one of the sex chromosomes inherited from the mother and Y represents the sex chromosome inherited from the father.

Is the sex offspring is determined by the chromosome the female parent gives?

Yes, the sex of the offspring is determined by the chromosomes contributed by the parents. The female parent always gives an X chromosome, while the male parent can contribute either an X or a Y chromosome, determining whether the offspring will be male (XY) or female (XX).

Related questions

Can parent with as and AA genotype give birth to ac genotype?

No, a parent with AS and AA genotype cannot give birth to a child with AC genotype. The parent can only pass on either the A allele or the S allele to their child, resulting in genotypes of either AA or AS.

What is a the male and female genotype?

The genotype for a male is XY. A female is XX. The 23rd homologous pair is the sex gene that determines this.

What do you call the offsprings of male zebra and female horse?

I think that would be a Zorse.

Can a male fish and a female fish produce offsprings?

yes. she makes eggs and he protects.

What are the genotypes of the male parent blood type B mother type 0 and female parent blood type A father type B?

The genotype of the male parent with blood type B could be either BO or BB. The genotype of the female parent with blood type A could be AO or AA. From these genotypes, offspring could inherit blood types O, A, B, or AB depending on which alleles are passed down.

What is the ratio of a baby being male or female?

The ratio of male to female babies born is approximately 1:1, meaning that for every male baby born, there is also a female baby born. This balanced ratio is a result of the combination of genetic and environmental factors.

What do you call the separate parent plants involved in the pollination process?

Male and female parents. The pollen is transferred from male to the female parent.

What is the genotype of a male grasshopper and a female grasshopper?

A male grasshopper has two different sex chromosomes, XY, while a female grasshopper has two of the same sex chromosomes, XX. This difference in sex chromosome composition determines the sex of the grasshopper.

Was the youngest parent a male or female?

Female, Age 9. From China

What is geneotype in a normal male and female?

These genotypes are determined by a human's 23rd pair of chromosomes. If the subject is female, she has two X's reading XX. If it is male, then his genotype will read XY. There is a 50-50 shot of each. This is because a woman donates one chromosome (she only has two X's so it is inevitable that she will donate an X), and a man donates one of his. If a man donates his 'X' then there will be two X's and the child will be female. If he donates his 'Y' then the child will be male. Male is XY, female is XX. There are, however, other genotypes (XXY, XXX, XO...) and not all people have a phenotype that goes with their genotype.

How do you get DNA from your parent?

Through male and female gametes

What is the parent duckling?

Sometimes the name of an animal is taken from the female name, like "cow". "Cow" is the female name of a bos. Bull is the male name. Same with ducks . . . the name is taken from the female's name: "Duck". She is the female parent. The male parent is called a drake.