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If the mother is a carrier of the colorblind gene (XcX) and the father has normal color vision, the probability of their child being colorblind is 50%. This is because the child has a 50% chance of inheriting the Xc chromosome from the mother and developing colorblindness.

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Q: If a mom colorblind and the father not colorblind what is the probability the child will be colorblind?
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A male who is colorblind marries a heterozygous womanWhat percent of their total children will be color-blind?

NOW. Colourblindness we will assume, is a Sex-Linked Disorder. Hence, the sex chromosomes are involved in determinig the phenotypes of the children. XY --male XX--female XbY--colourblind male XBXb --normal female Cross: (parents) Xby * XBXb F1 progeny/offspring XBXb, XbXb, XBY, XbY 50 % of the children will be colourblind. This is a very simple question. You also need to clarify within the question if it is sex linked or autosomal.

Can a blood type b negative man father a blood type a positive child?

Yes, it is possible for a blood type B negative man to father a blood type A positive child. The ABO blood type system is inherited from both parents, with each parent passing on one of their two ABO genes to their child. This means that the child could inherit an A gene from the mother and a B gene from the father, resulting in a blood type of A positive.

How many chromosomes do both your mom and dad give a child?

Each parent donates 23 chromosomes to their child, resulting in a total of 46 chromosomes, or 23 pairs, in a human cell.

What color hair will a child have if dad has brown hair with brown eyes and mom has blonde hair with blue eyes?

Um, you would not know unless you know if the hair gene is ressive or domiant in the mother of father. Um, you would not know unless you know if the hair gene is ressive or domiant in the mother of father. I have dark auburn hair and green eyes, does that help?

Is the mom or dad the dominant parent?

In some species, the mom is dominant, while in others the dad is dominant. It depends on the species and their specific mating and parenting dynamics.

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Can a child living with mom and having a father living in another state be taken out the state by the father without the mom's consent?

If Mom is custodial in Illinois, the answer is NO. Father must have Mom's written permission to take the child out of state.

A womens father is colorblind She marries a colorblind man Will there son or daughter be colorblind?

Colorblindness is an X-linked recessive disorder. This means girls (who have the sex chromosomes XX) must have a colorblind X from dad and a colorblind X from mom. Boys only need to have one colorblind X to be colorblind because they have sex chromosomes XY (and have only 1 X). If the dad has it, he has the colorblind X. If the daughter has it, she must have gotten her mom's colorblind X. If the mom is colorblind, then every child they have will be colorblind. If the mom is not colorblind, then she must be a carrier - she must have 1 normal X and 1 colorblind X. Mom is either colorblind (with 2 colorblind Xs) or she is a carrier. Dad is definitely colorblind.

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Mother files motion for custody

If a father's child is hurting step mom and child can't be in the home does the father have to pay full child support?

yes But, was the mother paying?

Will your child's step-mom have to pay child support if father is unemployed in Illinois?

No, and he should get a modification

What if your mom has a child what are you to her sister?

Not quite enough information. Does the child have the same father as you? The sister of your mother or the sister of the child?

Who intiates child support from the father?

Mom does. Go to family court.

Can a mom get welfare for her child if the father is on the birth certifi cate?


Can a father work and collect welfare on a child he has shared custody and mom pay child support?

Yes, if the father has more time with the child than the mother, she will owe him child support.

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No, i do not belive so...

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