As of 2021, James Watson is 93 years old.
James Watson was born April 6, 1928. That would make him 84 years old.
James Watson was 25 years old when he co-discovered the structure of DNA with Francis Crick in 1953.
James Watson's parents were James D. Watson Sr. and Jean Mitchell.
James Watson grew up in Chicago, Illinois.
As of 2021, James Watson is 93 years old.
James Watson was born April 6, 1928. That would make him 84 years old.
James Watson Cronin is 79 years old (birthdate: September 29, 1931).
James Watson was 25 years old when he co-discovered the structure of DNA with Francis Crick in 1953.
James Watson has two sons: Rufus Robert Watson and Duncan James Watson.
scientlyfgdsfdas prven he was 53
the Watson table was named after James Watson
Fentanyl patches are used to treat the pain from cancer. It is a narcotic drug that is prescribed by medical professionals. Pharmacists at WalMart will know if they have the Watson brand.
Eubulus James Watson Williams is a fictional name and author as far as public records show.
James Watson's parents were James D. Watson Sr. and Jean Mitchell.
Rufus is 68 years old (birthdate: December 19, 1942).
US scientist James D. Watson is 89 years old (birthdate: April 6, 1928).