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A culture can be a microorganism (if I'm not mistaken), and cultures can create cheese. Otherwise there is Pasteurization, which is killing the microorganisms by boiling the milk or water or whatever other liquid

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Paul Wyman

Lvl 13
2y ago
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3mo ago

Microorganisms are used in various industries for processes like fermentation to produce products such as beer, wine, and yogurt. They are also used in bioremediation to clean up pollutants in the environment, as well as in pharmaceuticals to produce antibiotics and other medicines. Additionally, microorganisms are used in the production of enzymes for various industrial processes.

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11y ago

The uses of microorganisms in industries is because these organisms can be used to mass produce things like food, medicine, cosmetics, and also in construction. They can also be altered to with stand elements that usually wouldn't last.

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14y ago


wine, beer, yogurt

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10y ago

Microorganisms can aid some of the factory processes that are common in chemical and food production. For example, friendly bacteria are used in making yoghurt or cheese.

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12y ago

Yogurt is full of good bacteria/ also septic tank treatment product.

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15y ago

fungi used to make quorn

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13y ago


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Q: How are microorganisms used in the industry?
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What is the study of microorganisms?

The study of microorganisms is called microbiology. It involves researching various types of microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protists, and their impact on health, environment, and industry. Microbiologists study their structure, function, genetics, and interactions with other organisms.

What are the roles of microorganism in biotechnology?

Microorganisms play a key role in biotechnology by being used in processes such as fermentation to produce a variety of products like antibiotics, enzymes, and biofuels. They are also utilized in genetic engineering to produce genetically modified organisms for various applications in agriculture, medicine, and industry. Additionally, microorganisms are used in bioremediation to help clean up environmental pollution by breaking down harmful substances.

What are benificial microorganisms?

Beneficial microorganisms are important for various ecological processes, such as nutrient cycling and decomposition. Some beneficial microorganisms are used in agriculture to improve soil fertility and plant health. In addition, certain microorganisms can be used in bioremediation to detoxify pollutants in the environment.

What is a solution free of microorganisms?

A solution free of microorganisms is called sterile. Sterile solutions are free of any living microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Sterilization techniques such as autoclaving, filtration, and irradiation can be used to achieve sterility.

How are transgenic microorganisms used in the Field of biotechnology?

Transgenic microorganisms are used in biotechnology to produce valuable products such as insulin, enzymes, and antibiotics through genetic engineering. They can also be used to clean up environmental pollutants by breaking down or metabolizing harmful substances. Additionally, transgenic microorganisms play a crucial role in research and development of new drugs and vaccines.

Related questions

How are microorganisms used in the bread making industry?

Yeast is a microorganism and that's what makes the bread rise.

Which type of organism is used is used to produce enzymes used in home and industry?

Microorganisms, such as bacteria and fungi, are commonly used to produce enzymes for use in home and industry. These organisms are chosen for their ability to efficiently produce specific enzymes through biotechnological processes like fermentation.

How are microorganisms used in industry?

A culture can be a microorganism (if I'm not mistaken), and cultures can create cheese. Otherwise there is Pasteurization, which is killing the microorganisms by boiling the milk or water or whatever other liquid

How do microorganisms in the food industry produce food?


What is the study of microorganisms?

The study of microorganisms is called microbiology. It involves researching various types of microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protists, and their impact on health, environment, and industry. Microbiologists study their structure, function, genetics, and interactions with other organisms.

Why do space programs hospitals and the food industry create controlled environments and control microorganisms?

Apparently to study the properties of certain microorganisms. they create artificial environments with controlled variables for them to know the reactions of these microorganisms to certain stimuli.

What microorganisms are tested for in sterile processing?

Steril processing technicion microorganisms is used for food production.

What is an auxanogram?

An auxanogram is a culture of microorganisms used in auxanography - the study of the effects of changes of environment in the growth of microorganisms.

What is chitin in microorganisms?

Many organisms, including bacteria, are suited for breaking down chitin. However, in terms of how it is used in microorganisms, it is a strong polysaccharide material that is used to strength the cell walls of microorganisms (such as algae, fungi, etc.).

Are microorganisms used in the manufacturing of copper wire?

Yes, microorganisms are used in a process called bioleaching to extract copper from ores. These microorganisms help break down the ores and release copper ions, which can then be processed into copper wire.

What is xylose?

Xylose is a simple sugar and a primary monosaccharide found in many plant materials such as wood and straw. It is often used as a sweetener in the food industry and can be used by some microorganisms as a carbon source.

What are pickle's used for?

Microorganisms are not a good thing when it comes to pickling. Generally you want to kill off microorganisms when pickling.