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it comes out of its egg

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7mo ago

Fly eggs typically hatch into maggots within 8-20 hours, depending on factors such as temperature and humidity.

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Q: How long before a fly egg becomes a maggot?
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Young of a housefly?

A housefly starts from a egg. Once it hatches it becomes a maggot.

What is the producer before a house fly?

A housefly goes through four stages of metamorphosis - egg , larva, pupa and adult - so the stage just before the actual fly (adult) is the pupa which often resembles a large grain of brown rice. When the egg hatches it becomes a larva, a grub-like thing called a maggot that is usually mostly white and found on rotting meat or overripe vegetation. The maggot, after a period of time, finds a dark place and becomes a pupa, and then eventually becomes the adult fly that you find in your soup, in your beer, on your steak and in your face.

Does a maggot undergo complete or incomplete metamorphosis?

Complete. Egg, larva (maggot), pupa, and adult.

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What is a fly before it is a fly?

They have a 4 stage cycle, egg, larvae (maggot) pupae (cocoon )and then adult, so any of the first 3 are "pre" fly.

How many days before woman becomes pregnant?

as soon as the sperm fertilizes the egg

How big is a goose egg before it hatches?

A goose egg before it hatches, is about 4 inches long.

Do housefly resemble its parents?

Hatches from an egg and is a maggot. Eventually, pupates and will emerge as a housefly resembling the parents.

How does the fly develop?

A fly undergoes complete metamorphosis, starting as an egg laid by an adult female fly. The egg hatches into a larva (maggot) which feeds, grows, and molts before transforming into a pupa. Inside the pupa, the fly undergoes metamorphosis and emerges as an adult fly.

What happens to the egg?

The fertilized egg becomes an embryo and later becomes a fetus.

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