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Any length of time between when the case ends to whenever the local prosecutors and police feel they don't need it anymore.

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3mo ago

Slides of organ samples are typically kept for many years, sometimes even indefinitely, depending on the institution's policies and the nature of the research or clinical need for which they were obtained. It is common for slides to be stored for long periods to allow for future reference, research, or comparison.

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Q: How long are slides of organ samples kept?
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What is the difference between a temporary slide and a permanent slide when using a microscope?

A temporary slide is made by placing a specimen on a slide and covering it with a coverslip for immediate observation, while a permanent slide involves fixing and staining the specimen to preserve it long-term. Permanent slides are typically used for storing specimens for future reference and detailed study, whereas temporary slides are more commonly used for quick observation of fresh samples.

Contrast a prepared slide and a wet-mount slide?

A prepared slide is a permanent slide with a specimen that has been professionally prepared and mounted by experts. A wet-mount slide is a temporary slide where a sample is placed under a coverslip with a liquid (usually water) to keep it moist and allow for immediate observation. Prepared slides are ideal for long-term storage and detailed study, while wet-mount slides are suited for quick observations of live samples.

What are the negative aspects of organ cloning?

Negative aspects of organ cloning include ethical concerns regarding the creation and destruction of embryos, potential for exploitation of vulnerable populations, long-term health risks associated with genetically modified tissues, and the potential for widening socioeconomic inequalities in access to organ transplantation.

How can doctors ensure that a transplanted organ works sucessfully?

Doctors can ensure that a transplanted organ works successfully by carefully matching the donor and recipient, prescribing immunosuppressant medications to prevent rejection, closely monitoring the recipient for signs of rejection or infections, and providing long-term follow-up care to maintain the health of the transplanted organ.

Why is getting an organ transplant so risky?

Organ transplant is risky because the patient's immune system may reject the new organ, leading to complications. The patient also needs to take immunosuppressant drugs to prevent rejection, which can weaken the immune system and make the patient more susceptible to infections and other health issues. Additionally, there is a risk of surgical complications and the need for long-term medical management.

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How long can blood samples be kept in the fridge?

Six month?

What is a place with long and bumpy slides?

A waterpark

How long can the CPU kept on?

It is suggested not to leave it on over night, but it can be kept on for as long as you want.

How long is a urine test for marijuana kept for retesting?

The duration for which a urine sample for marijuana testing is kept for retesting can vary depending on the laboratory's policies and procedures. Typically, samples are stored for a minimum of 1-3 days to allow for potential retesting if needed. After that, samples may be discarded unless there is a specific reason for longer storage.

Difference between permanent and temporary slides?

permanent slides as their name suggest the last for a long time..but temporary no,, they may be affected by temperature or some other outer effects :P

How come your slideshows take so long?

You have made too many slides.

Why is tissue storage important?

Tissue storage is important because it allows for long-term preservation of samples for future analysis or research. This is especially critical for biological and medical studies where samples need to be kept intact for extended periods of time. Proper tissue storage also ensures sample integrity, preventing degradation and maintaining sample quality for accurate results.

How long must the medical records be kept by the employer?

Employee medical records must be kept by employers for how long?

Which digestive organ is long and winding?

the intestines.

Do Not Use Long Transitions?

When working with presentation software, make sure that you do not use long transitions between the different slides. You want everything to move quickly and to look crisp. You want the slides to transition into one another in a way that people will not even notice or think about. This will help because it will mean that they are paying more attention to what you are saying and to the information on the slides in question.

What is the longest organ of the abdominal cavity?

Small intestine is the longest organ of the abdominal cavity. It is about 20 feet long.

What organ system does the eye belong to?

long system