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Phloem is composed of sieve elements and companion cells. Each sieve element has a companion cell that provides ATP and other necessary support to the sieve element. In addition to this there are sieve plates that separate sieve cells.

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13y ago
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3mo ago

Phloem is composed of sieve tubes, companion cells, fibers, and parenchyma cells. Sieve tubes are long cells that transport organic compounds, companion cells support the sieve tubes, fibers provide structural support, and parenchyma cells store nutrients. Together, these components make up the vascular tissue responsible for transporting sugars and other organic nutrients throughout the plant.

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8y ago

The phloem is used to transport food for the cells across the plant. Its hollow form and position next to xylem helps it to do so.

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10y ago

Phloem is made of many things. It is made up of parenchyma cells, sieve, fibers, sclerids, and several other things as well.

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12y ago

Sugars and amino acids

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Q: What is the structure of the Phloem?
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What is called the food conducting tissue of a plant?

The food conducting tissue of a plant is called phloem. Phloem is responsible for transporting sugars and other organic nutrients produced by photosynthesis throughout the plant.

What are the Difference between xylem and phloem function and structure?

Xylem transports water and minerals from roots to other parts of the plant, while phloem transports sugars produced by photosynthesis to different parts of the plant. Xylem is made up of tracheids and vessel elements for water transport, while phloem is composed of sieve tubes and companion cells for sugar transport.

Which structure is responsible for moving sugars throughout a plant?

The phloem is the structure responsible for transporting sugars, produced through photosynthesis, throughout a plant. This tissue forms a network of tubes that carry sugars, amino acids, and other nutrients to different parts of the plant where they are needed for growth and energy.

What do vascular tissues provide for plants?

Vascular tissues in plants, like xylem and phloem, provide support and structure for the plant, transport water, nutrients, and sugars throughout the plant, and help in the storage of food and water. They play a crucial role in maintaining plant structure and facilitating growth and development.

Why is phloem useful to a plant?

Phloem is a conductive plant tissue and is found in the stems and leaf veins. It facilitates the movement of the sugars produced by photosynthesis to the rest of the plant. Phloem also provides a minor role in the support structure of the stem.

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Can you give you a sentence using the word phloem?

A plants vascular structure is made up of xylem and phloem.

What structure carries sugar from the plants leaves to the rest of the plant?


What structure carries sugar from plants leaves to the rest of the plant?


How does the structure of xylem and phloem vessels differs microscopically?

differ in such a way that xylem transport water while phloem transport food and nutrients

Which structure carries sugar from a plants leaves to the rest of the plant NT?


Which structure carries food to non photosynthetic parts of the plant?

Phloem carries food .

What structure in vascular plants transport sugar?

Phloem transport sugars, Xylem transports water

What structure carries sugar from a plants leaves to the rest of the plant?

The phloem is the plant structure responsible for transporting sugars, such as glucose, from the leaves to the rest of the plant. This vascular tissue forms a network of tubes that allows for the bidirectional flow of nutrients and sugars throughout the plant.

Why is the difference between xylem and phloem important in a plant?

There is structural difference between xylem and phloem. This is because their function is also different. Had there been no difference in structure, how these could have performed different function?

How is an xylem defferent from phloem?

Quite different in structure and function. The xylem, which is dead material, carries water from the roots to the leaves. The phloem, which is living material, carries synthesized sugars from the leaves to where they are needed in the plant.

What is transport structure of nonvascular plant?

Within vascular plants is the phloem, the vessel that transports food, and the xylem, which transports water. Nonvascular plants are small, simple plants without a vascular system. They do not have a phloem or xylem.

Which tissues make up the vascular bundles What do they do?

Vascular bundles in plants are composed of xylem and phloem tissues. Xylem transports water and minerals from roots to rest of the plant, while phloem transports sugars produced during photosynthesis. Together, they support the plant's structure and provide a means for nutrient transport.