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Dangers of Static Electricity:

1. It will cause you severe third degree burns

2. It will stop your breathing and cause your heartbeat rate to be abnormal

3. It will make you paranoid

4. It will give your extreme illness due to electric shock

5. It can cause death

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11y ago
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3mo ago

Static electricity can pose a danger by causing sparks that can ignite flammable materials or gases. It can also damage sensitive electronic equipment by discharging a high voltage. In some cases, static electricity can result in electric shocks, which can be especially dangerous in certain environments, such as around medical equipment or in explosive atmospheres.

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10y ago

Just as with most other phenomena in our environment, moderation is the key.

Too much of even a good thing can be dangerous.

Too much static electricity makes lightning, which can certainly produce damage

to trees, rocks, houses, or human bodies.

In moderation, however, nobody was ever seriously injured by somebody else

scuffing across the carpet and then sneaking up behind to zzzap them. The only

danger from moderate carpet zzaps is to some small electronic devices, mostly

semiconductor devices being handled carelessly.

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13y ago

It attracts certain items to each other, like a balloon sticks to a wall. It can create sparks, and if 30 miliamps go through to your heart, it can kill you, so you need to be extra careful with it. You need 10,000 volts to make a spark, so it is so dangerous, but not if you just get a quick static shock.


Priscilla Milton

(Mr Holden's number 1 enemy)

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14y ago

Static electricity can be dangerous when there are inflammable liquids or gases

around,1 spark could cause tremendous damage if it ignited the fuel.

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13y ago

It is only dangerous when it's built up within certain amount of time.

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14y ago

Yes, static electricity is dangerous if it is sufficiently large.
For example, lightning is a form of static electricity.

A tv is also a static charge.

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14y ago

when it is near water

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12y ago

i have no ansa for u

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8y ago

It can ignite flammable materials

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Q: How does static electricity pose a danger?
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Is rubber buckets conduct static electricity?

Rubber buckets do not conduct static electricity due to their insulating properties. This makes them a safe choice for tasks where static electricity could pose a risk.

Why do you use the word static to describe static electricity?

Static means it doesn't move. This is essentially what static electricity is, a charge tht has no current. It is made by the transfer of electrons, as a pose to a cell or battery.

What are some dangerous forms of static electricity?

Some dangerous forms of static electricity include sparks that can cause fires or explosions in environments with flammable gases or dust, static discharges that can damage sensitive electronic equipment, and lightning strikes that pose a risk to people and property.

What are the dangers of static electricity in a custard factory?

Static electricity in a custard factory can pose a fire hazard as it can ignite flammable vapors or dust particles. It can also cause damage to sensitive electronic equipment and disrupt production processes. Additionally, static electricity can give employees painful shocks or discomfort.

Why can static electricity not to be used to run a television?

static electricity is static electricity

What does static in static electricity mean?

Everything is made up of atoms and they hold electrons, protons and neutrons. Electrons can move. Static electricity is the presence of either too many electrons (negative charge) or too few electrons (positive charge). The movement of static electricity ... normally called an "electric current" ... is the flow of electrons from one place to another.

What is the type of electricity that electrons build up on an object?

static electricity

What danger does a cheetah pose?

Cheetahs pose some danger to livestock but little danger to humans. They are not known to attack humans.

How can static electricity cause problems in everyday life?

Static electricity can cause problems in everyday life by leading to discomfort or even injury through shocks when touching objects or people. It can also interfere with electronic devices, potentially causing malfunctions or data loss. In industrial settings, static electricity can pose a fire hazard when it accumulates in flammable environments.

Why do you think scientists are concerned that static electricity will be much bigger problem for astronauts than it is for people here on earth?

Scientists are concerned that static electricity will be a bigger problem for astronauts because in space there is no atmosphere to dissipate built-up charge, leading to higher levels of static electricity. This can create issues with sensitive equipment, affect communication systems, and even pose a risk of sparks in a high-oxygen environment. Astronauts in spacesuits can build up static charges that may interfere with electronic devices or even pose a risk to the astronauts themselves.

Is lightning a current or static electricity?

static electricity

Can static electricity damage the nervous system?

Static electricity typically does not pose a direct threat to the nervous system. While a shock from static electricity can be uncomfortable or startling, it is unlikely to cause damage to the nerves. However, in rare cases of very high voltage discharges, such as those from lightning strikes, there may be indirect effects on the nervous system due to the physiological stress of the event.