Xylem vessels are made up of dead cells with a thick, strong cell walls and have a hollow lumen that allows water to flow through them.
The xylem cells form continuous tubes from the leaves down to the roots. This acts like a drinking straw and helps in the flow of water with dissolved minerals from the roots to the leaves.
A phloem cell is specialized for transporting organic nutrients such as sugars, amino acids, and hormones throughout the plant. They have sieve tubes that allow for the flow of materials, companion cells that support metabolic functions, and parenchyma cells that store reserves and provide structural support.
The vascular cambium undergoes active cell division to produce secondary xylem (wood) towards the inside of the stem and secondary phloem towards the outside. This results in the growth of woody tissues in trees and other woody plants.
The conducting cell type in phloem is called sieve tube elements. These cells are responsible for transporting sugars, nutrients, and other organic compounds throughout the plant. Sieve tube elements are connected end-to-end to form a continuous tube for long-distance transport in the phloem.
Sieve phloem is a specialized tissue in plants that is responsible for transporting organic nutrients such as sugars from the leaves to other parts of the plant. It is made up of sieve tube elements and companion cells, which work together to facilitate the flow of nutrients through the plant.
The holes in the sieve plates of the phloem allow for the movement of sugars, nutrients, and other organic compounds from cell to cell. These pores facilitate the flow of materials through the phloem tissue, enabling the distribution of resources throughout the plant.
Phloem cells are part of the plant vascular system and can be found in the phloem tissue, which is responsible for transporting sugars produced in the leaves to other parts of the plant, such as roots, stems, and fruits. They are typically located alongside xylem cells in the vascular bundles of a plant.
Phloem is a type of plant cell responsible for transporting sugars, nutrients, and other organic compounds within a plant. It is not found in animals.
turn you on.
yes, in that it has no plasticity.
for example phloem .... doesnt have a nucleus ... and it needs a nucleus to survive ... thats why they have a companion cell which have a nucleus for them ...if u try to separate the companion cell from the phloem the phloem will die after some time
its a specialised cell because its characteristics are adapted to its function. for example, the red blood cell is round and flat so it can carry oxygen efficiently
A sperm cell (gamete) is a specialised cell because it only performs one function: to fertilise an egg, and its structure relates to it's function. For example, the sperm cell's long tail helps it swim faster.
The phloem
Either phloem or palisade cells
Yes, in fighting diseases
A cell which is Specialised to perfom a specfic function
simple sperm cell red blood cell nerve cell
Nerve cell, muscle cell, bone marrow cell.