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The information in DNA is stored in the sequence of its four nucleotide bases (adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine). The specific arrangement of these bases along the DNA molecule forms the genetic code, which determines the instructions for building and functioning of an organism. The large number of possible combinations of these bases allows DNA to encode a vast amount of genetic information.

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Q: How does the design of the DNA molecule contain so much information?
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A DNA molecule is often called a what because it twists like the threads of a screw?

DNA is a molecule responsible for the genetic instructions, development and functioning of living organisms. The DNA molecules that contain millions of nucleotides and is very large, called DNA polymer.

How much alcohol is in cough drops?

Cough drops typically do not contain alcohol, although some may contain small amounts (less than 1%). Check the specific product label for accurate information.

Why is the RNA in the cytosol much smaller than the RNA in the nucleus?

RNA molecules in the cytosol are typically smaller because they have completed processing, such as splicing and capping, which removes non-coding regions and introns, resulting in a smaller mature RNA molecule. In contrast, RNA in the nucleus still includes these non-coding regions and introns, contributing to their larger size.

Which group of bio-molecules is the most efficient for storing energy?

Lipids, specifically triglycerides (fats), are the most efficient biomolecules for storing energy in living organisms. They contain more than twice as much energy per gram as carbohydrates or proteins, making them a highly efficient energy storage molecule.

What is the goal of DNA sequencing?

The goal of DNA sequencing is to determine the precise order of nucleotides in a DNA molecule, revealing the genetic information encoded within the DNA. This information enables scientists to study genetic variations, understand gene function, identify mutations, and explore the genetic basis of various traits and diseases.

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A bug can contain about 5 grams to 15 grams of protein.

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I hope to contain the answer in this sentence. "Contain yourself!", shouted the babysitter. How many words does this question contain? How much information can my brain contain?

Is there any example of molecule which contains information about past?

DNA contains some such information, but identifying it and what it means will be very difficult. It is much easier to identify what DNA specifies about making proteins now.

How much revenue does WikiAnswers make?

Please see the related link below for the latest quarterly reports which contain this information.

Is H O an organic molecule?

No, H2O (water) is not considered an organic molecule. Organic molecules are typically comprised of carbon atoms bonded together in some form, such as in carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. Water is a simple inorganic compound composed of hydrogen and oxygen atoms.

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A molecule of water contains two atoms of hydrogen. A molecule of hydrogen contains two hydrogen atoms. Therefore, one molecule of water contains one hydrogen molecule, but it is unusual to think in these terms. Check the wording of your question.