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Biological control involves using natural enemies of pests, such as predators or pathogens, to keep pest populations in check. Genetic modification can be used to engineer crops that are resistant to pests, reducing the need for chemical control methods. These approaches can be more environmentally friendly and sustainable than using pesticides and herbicides.

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Q: How does biological control and genetic modification be used instead of pesticides and herbicides to control pests that destroy crops?
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What do you understand by biological control of weeds and pests?

Biological control refers to the use of natural enemies, such as predators, parasites, or pathogens, to manage the population of pest species. In the context of weeds and pests, it involves introducing or promoting these natural enemies in order to reduce the population of the targeted species. Biological control is a sustainable and environmentally friendly approach that can help to limit the use of chemical pesticides and herbicides.

What reason might a farmer have for using biological control instead of chemical pesticides?

A farmer might choose biological control over chemical pesticides to minimize negative impacts on the environment and human health, reduce chemical residues on produce, and promote sustainable agricultural practices. Biological control methods also have the potential for long-term pest management and are often more target-specific.

What are some biological alternatives to chemical pesticides?

Some biological alternatives to chemical pesticides include introducing natural predators or parasites to control pest populations, using insecticidal soaps or oils derived from plants, and planting trap crops to attract pests away from main crops. Crop rotation and intercropping with pest-repellent plants can also help reduce the need for chemical pesticides.

What do Biological pest control involves?

Biological pest control involves using living organisms, such as predators, parasites, or pathogens, to control pest populations in an environmentally friendly way. These natural enemies help to manage pest populations by either killing the pests directly or interfering with their reproductive cycle. Biological control can be a sustainable and effective alternative to chemical pesticides.

What are biological control of pests?

Biological control of pests involves using natural enemies such as predators, parasites, or pathogens to manage pest populations. This method is a sustainable and environmentally-friendly approach to pest management that can help reduce the need for chemical pesticides. Biological control can help maintain ecological balance and is often used in integrated pest management programs.

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What types of pesticides are used for wheat?

Herbicides to control weeds, sometimes fungicides to control certain kinds of infections, and rarely insecticides to control harmful insects.

Which kinds of pesticides are on the market right now?

Transport, pro control, Gentrol, Advion, Delta dust are some pesticides. Pesticides used in agriculture include Round-up (glyphosate) and other herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, etc. Insecticides are used to control household pests.

What are fertilizers and pesticides?

Fertilizers are materials designed to feed (provide) nutrients to plants. They come in liquid and dry forms, fast and slow release, inorganic and organic, and so on. Pesticides are materials designed to eliminate, prevent or control pests, such as: insects, slugs, snails, diseases like fungus (mildew, rots, smuts), and so forth. Herbicides are materials designed to eliminate, prevent or control unwanted plants (what we normally call "weeds").

Type of farming that doesn't use pesticides?

* Organic agriculture actually organic farming does use pesticides, what you're looking for is "biological control" which means it allows the use of synthetic fertilizers but trades chemical pest control with biological pest control. in biological control one applies parasitic wasps, entomophagic fungie and other such agents in much the same way one would apply chemical pesticides.

What is biological control used for?

Biological control is the use of a pey species to control pests and parasites i.e. to use Encarsia formosa the Chalcid wasp to control Whitefly. This avoids the use of pesticides.

Is a pesticide an herbicide?

No, a pesticide is a general term that includes chemicals used to control pests, while an herbicide specifically targets and controls weeds. Herbicides are a type of pesticide used to kill or inhibit the growth of unwanted plants.

What reason might a farmer have for using biological control instead of chemical pesticides?

A farmer might choose biological control over chemical pesticides to minimize negative impacts on the environment and human health, reduce chemical residues on produce, and promote sustainable agricultural practices. Biological control methods also have the potential for long-term pest management and are often more target-specific.

What are some biological alternatives to chemical pesticides?

Some biological alternatives to chemical pesticides include introducing natural predators or parasites to control pest populations, using insecticidal soaps or oils derived from plants, and planting trap crops to attract pests away from main crops. Crop rotation and intercropping with pest-repellent plants can also help reduce the need for chemical pesticides.

What is chemical control?

Chemical control is the use of chemical substances (such as pesticides or herbicides) to manage and control pests, diseases, or weeds in agricultural or urban settings. It is a common method of pest management but can have negative environmental impacts if not used properly.

What has the author Edward C Monnig written?

Edward C. Monnig has written: 'Human health risk assessment of herbicide applications to control noxious weeds and poisonous plants in the Northern Region' -- subject(s): Control, Herbicides, Weeds, Toxicology, Plants, Effect of herbicides on, Health risk assessment 'A summary of the status of biological control of major noxious weed species in Idaho, Montana, and North Dakota' -- subject(s): Noxious weeds, Biological control

What is the definition of pesticides?

A pesticide is a chemical substance sprayed on crops to kill insects, pests and bacteria. The chemical agents called pesticides include herbicides (for weed control), insecticides, and fungicides. More than half the pesticides used in the United States are herbicides that control weeds. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) estimates indicate that 86 percent of U.S. agricultural land areas are treated with herbicides, 18 percent with insecticides, and 3 percent with fungicides. The amount of pesticide used on different crops also varies. For example, in the United States, about 67 percent of the insecticides used in agriculture are applied to two crops, cotton and corn; about 70 percent of the herbicides are applied to corn and soybeans, and most of the fungicides are applied to fruit and vegetable crops.They kill "pests".

What type of pesticides do chemistry design to protect crops?

Chemists design a variety of pesticides to protect crops, including insecticides to kill insects, herbicides to control weeds, fungicides to combat fungal diseases, and bactericides to control bacterial infections. They work to create effective and environmentally safe solutions to help farmers protect their crops from pests.