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Darwin's theory of evolution as proposed in "On the Origin of Species" does not differ from what scientists have discovered. The ongoing work still proves the theory today.
Bearing in mind that Darwin, and all others, did not know anything about genetics at the time he was writing, it is remarkable that he was able to propose the theory along with Alfred Russel Wallace at the time.

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Darwin's theory of evolution proposed that evolution occurs through natural selection acting on heritable variations in species. Today's scientists have expanded upon this theory by incorporating genetics, molecular Biology, and other fields to provide a more comprehensive understanding of evolution. Additionally, modern research has identified mechanisms such as genetic drift, gene flow, and epigenetics that contribute to evolutionary change.

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Q: How does Darwin's theory of evolution differ from what scientist believe today?
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How do gradualism and punctuated equilibrium differ and how are they similar?

Gradualism proposes that evolution occurs steadily and consistently over long periods of time, resulting in gradual change. In contrast, punctuated equilibrium suggests that evolutionary changes happen in short bursts of rapid change, separated by long periods of stability. Both theories focus on explaining patterns of evolution but differ in the pace and timing of change.

How much does a Forensic Science earn?

The salary for a forensic scientist can vary depending on their experience, location, and employer. On average, in the United States, a forensic scientist can earn between $40,000 to $100,000 per year. In other countries, salaries may differ.

How might factors operating on organisms in nature differ from those of malthus's theory?

Malthus's theory primarily focuses on the idea that population growth will outstrip the means of subsistence, leading to competition for resources. In nature, factors acting on organisms include predation, disease, and environmental conditions in addition to competition for resources. These factors in nature are often more complex and interconnected than the simplified model presented in Malthus's theory.

How does biological evolution differ from chemical evolution?

Biological evolution involves changes in living organisms over generations, driven by natural selection and genetic variation. Chemical evolution refers to the process by which simple organic molecules formed and developed into more complex structures, eventually leading to the formation of life. Biological evolution occurs within living organisms, while chemical evolution refers to the broader origin of life itself.

Compare and contrast gradulism and punctuated equilibrium?

Gradualism proposes that evolution occurs at a constant, slow rate over long periods of time, leading to gradual change in species. Punctuated equilibrium suggests that evolution is marked by long periods of stability punctuated by sudden bursts of rapid change. Both theories address the pace of evolution but differ in the pattern of change they propose.

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