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The Nile delta in Egypt is one of the most fertile areas of Africa.

The Dust Bowl was a drought that affected the otherwise fertile farmlands.

The report of the creature was thought to be the result of a fertile imagination.

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12y ago
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3mo ago

The soil in her garden is very fertile, producing bountiful crops each year.

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11y ago

fertilization occurs when an egg and a sperm cell unite

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14y ago

In a sentence you could put:

"To fertilize my garden, I covered the plants with horse manure."

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Q: How do you use the word fertile in a sentence?
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How can you use the word fertile in a sentence?

The farmers' fields were fertile, producing abundant crops year after year.

How can use the word fertile in a sentence?

The farmer's field was fertile, producing abundant crops every season.

What is a good sentence with the word fertile?

Plants can only grow in fertile soil

Can you make a sentence using the word fertile?

The fertile soil was good for planting seeds.

Can anyone put the word 'Fertile soils' into a sentence?

plants can only grow in fertile soil.

Can you make a senence using the word fertile?

yes and the correct way to spell sentence is "sentence"

How do you use the word land use in a sentence?

I'm not certain if you meant to ask about "land use" or the word "land." The land was fertile and grew many crops. The farmer drew a chart showing the land use of his farm.

Can you use the word fertile in a sentence that does not refer to animal or plant reproduction?

The artist's mind was fertile with creative ideas, constantly producing new and innovative concepts for her work.

How would you use furtile in a sentence?

The land had fertile soil.

How would you use the word geography in a long sentence?

If you mean a "random" long sentence, then how about: The class studied the geography of the Fertile Crescent all week, but then began to read about the region around it.

What is the sentence for the word produce?

A fertile soil will produce a good crop of carrots.

Can you create a sentence the word the nile river?

The Nile river floods and leaves fertile soil.