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He will tell the inquiry that therapeutic cloning, also known as somatic cell nuclear transfer.

The bill would allow scientists to clone human embryos for medical research through somatic cell nuclear transfer.

Victoria has become the first Australian state to propose legislation approving the use of somatic cell nuclear transfer.

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2mo ago

Somatic cells are any cell in the body except for sperm and egg cells; they contain a full set of chromosomes. An example sentence using somatic cells is "Skin cells and muscle cells are both types of somatic cells in the human body."

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Body cells can be called?

Somatic cell.

What is another name for normal body cells?

Another name for body cells is somatic cells.

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What is the general name for types of cells found in the human body that use mitosis?

Somatic cells.

How many chromosomes have non somatic cell?

Non-somatic cells, such as germ cells (sperm and egg cells), have half the number of chromosomes compared to somatic cells. In humans, somatic cells have 46 chromosomes, while germ cells have 23 chromosomes.

What do somatic cells form?

Somatic cells make up the body cells, as opposed to the gametes, which are sex cells.

Body cells are also known as?

If you're not referring to the term somatic cells, I suppose they could also be known as animal cells - at least in most animals.

What kind of cells go through mitosis somatic cells or gametes?

Somatic cells undergo mitosis.

Is a hepatocyte a somatic cell?

Yes, a hepatocyte is a somatic cell. All the cells in the body, except for sex cells (sperm and ovum/egg), are somatic cells.

What are somatic cells Short answer please?

Somatic cells are all the cells that make up an organism except for germ cells.

What is the purpose of somatic cells?

Somatic cells are body cells that contain a full set of chromosomes. I imagine that a somatic cell donor donates healthy body cells to someone who needs them.

How many chromosomes does a chicken have in somatic cells?

A chicken has 78 chromosomes in its somatic cells.