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I was about to ask her to marry me, and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

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8mo ago

I felt butterflies in my stomach as I walked onto the stage to give my speech.

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Q: How do you use butterflies in your stomach in a sentence?
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How do you use the word butterflies in a sentence?

She felt butterflies in her stomach before giving a presentation.

Can you give a sample sentence using the idiom butterflies in my stomach?

"I'm so nervous about tonight i have 'Butterflies in my stomach'."

How do you use the word migration butterflies in a sentence?

There were migratory butterflies.

Why is the nervous feeling you get called the butterflies?

It is a phrase used when you are nervous because the fluttery feeling in your stomach is said to feel like butterflies. so if i say a sentence that i`m nervous so instead of that we can say there r butterflies in my stomach.

What are the figure of speech in the sentence The boy had butterflies in his stomach when he stepped up to bat?

(Having) Butterflies in one's stomach is a figure of speech. It is used to describe a certain sensation one would feel in their stomach when being nervous or in love.

When I think about my crush ill have butterflies in my stomach Will he have butterflies in his stomach?

He will if he likes you back

Do butterflies in your stomach have anything to do with your stomach?

It does have to do with the feeling you get in your stomach when you get nervous, excited or you when you are in love. it really has nothing to do with butterflies.

Is you have butterflies in your stomach personification?


Can you use familiar acclimation in a sentence?

butterflies have a familiar acclimation with flowers.

How you know you are in love?

you have butterflies in your stomach.

Is you have butterflies in your stomach a metaphor?

Yes, "having butterflies in your stomach" is a metaphorical expression used to describe the feeling of nervousness or excitement in one's stomach before a significant event or encounter. It is not meant to be taken literally.

How do get rid of butterflies in stomach?

By causing a different physical pain where you feel the butterflies, like say pinching the stomach until you don’t feel the butterflies anymore.