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Charley Horse

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8mo ago

The correct spelling is "charley horse" for muscle cramps. It refers to a painful muscle spasm or cramp that typically occurs in the leg.

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Related questions

Why is a Charlie horse called a Charlie horse?

The term "Charlie horse" is believed to have originated in American baseball in the 1880s, where a player named Charlie suffered a muscle cramp during a game. The name stuck and became a common term for muscle cramps or spasms in the legs.

What does a charlie horse look like?

A Charlie horse is a muscle cramp

What can you do for relief from cramps in leg and feet?

if it's a normal "charlie horse" type thing, you lack potassium in your system. Bananas or potassium in pill form available from OTC drug store

Why is a cramp called a charlie horse?


When was Chief Charlie Horse created?

Chief Charlie Horse was created on 1956-05-07.

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The duration of The Charlie Horse Music Pizza is 1800.0 seconds.

When was The Charlie Horse Music Pizza created?

The Charlie Horse Music Pizza was created on 1998-01-05.

When did The Charlie Horse Music Pizza end?

The Charlie Horse Music Pizza ended on 1999-05-30.

What tends as the causative factor for 'Charlie horses'?

Because chaley is a weird horse that lives with his mom Because chaley is a weird horse that lives with his mom Because when Charles 1st had his police officials they would get leg pains and cramps so it would be called a "charley horse" Because when Charles 1st had his police officials they would get leg pains and cramps so it would be called a "charley horse"

What can help my cramps from hurting so much?

What an ordeal. If it is something such as a charlie horse, you should apply an ice pack for 10 minutes and then a heating pad. The ice allows it to contract and the heating pad allows the muscles to release.

How do you spell Preswaltzi Horse?

Przewalski horse

What causes charleyhorses?

Charlie horses are cramps and sharp muscle spasms in the leg. They can be caused by a number of factors including dehydration, loss of blood flow to a muscle and failing to stretch before working out.