Point of insertion refers to the location where a muscle attaches to a bone and is typically the more moveable or distal end of the muscle. It is where the muscle pulls or contracts to produce movement.
It ends at the tip, but it begins at the base of the back of the mouth (at the muscle insertion point).
The origin of a skeletal muscle is the point where it attaches to a stationary bone, typically closer to the body's midline. The insertion is where the muscle attaches to a movable bone, generally further away from the body's midline. Contraction of the muscle causes the insertion to move towards the origin, resulting in movement at the joint.
The less movable attachment point of a muscle is called the origin. This is typically the point of attachment that remains relatively fixed during muscle contraction, while the other end, known as the insertion, moves towards the origin.
Alright, now that the riff-raff is outta the way - Origin is the attachment of a muscle (tendon) that is stationary. Insertion is at the other end of the muscle that is attached to a movable bone, also with a tendon. Hoped that helps.
The simplest ws to move your insertion point to the beginning and end of a text line is just to click there. To move your insertion point to the beginning of a document, press ctrl+home, and to move it to the end of a document, press ctrl+end on your keyboard.
Press the End key.
You can do it by clicking with the mouse to where you want it to be, or in many ways with the keyboard. These generall involve the navigation keys including the arrow keys, Home, End, Page Up and Page Down. Using these with various other keys allow you to change the insertion point. For example, using Ctrl and the left or right arrow, allows you to move the insertion point by one word at a time.
The origin is the "immovable" point of attachment of a muscle to a bone.
Use the Ctrl - End key combination.
control + END
The 'F2' key will select the active cell and move the cursor to the end. You could also double click a cell and then press the 'End' key.
The end of the muscle that is attached to the stationary bone is the point of origin. The muscle end that is attached to the moving bone is the point of insertion, and the action is what the muscle actually does.
You must save separately, you cannot save anything to more than one place at one time. When you save a Word document it automatically saves in Word. Then go back and choose "Save As" and just type the name you want to save in and then box below gives you choices of what locations you want to save in. i.e. saving Word document in Word Perfect.
Fixed point at the end of the muscle is called as 'Insertion of the muscle.'
Ctrl+End is a typical shortcut to the end of a document