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Q: How do you make a real virus?
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What do DNA and protein capsids make up?

DNA and protein capsids make up a virus particle. The DNA (or RNA) carries the genetic material of the virus, while the protein capsid provides protection and helps the virus to infect host cells.

Could a solanum type virus rearlly exist?

No, a Solanum virus, as depicted in some fictional works, does not exist in reality. It is a creation of fiction, particularly in the zombie genre, and is not based on any scientific fact. However, there are real viruses that can affect the brain and behavior, such as rabies, but they do not cause reanimation of the dead.

What is the function of a virus?

Viruses are malicious software (malware) in which their sole purpose is to replicate and infect non-infected computers. Their are many mediums to which a virus can infect a computer, most commonly through the internet and email attachments. When viruses infect a computer, it attaches itself to a "host" file (hence the name virus because it acts like a real world virus). Next, it injects its code into the host file so that whenever that infected file is run, the virus executes first and then the actual file starts. The "payload" is the official term to the effects a computer virus has on a PC.

Does a virus have hyphae?

No, viruses do not have hyphae. Hyphae are branching, thread-like structures that make up the body (mycelium) of fungi. Viruses are a different type of microorganism that are not composed of cells and do not have structures like hyphae.

Where does the virus multiply?

Viruses replicate inside the host cells they infect. They hijack the cellular machinery of the host to make copies of themselves, leading to the multiplication of the virus.

Related questions

Is the night baron virus real?

The Night Baron virus is real. It is a trojan.

How do you get a virus in alxemy?

you can find virus free real played games from and you can win real money.

Is stardoll virus real?

Stardoll is a website- not a virus

Is E. boli a real virus?

E. boli is not a real virus. The name seems to be a portmanteau of the Ebola virus and e. coli bacteria.

Is the goggle virus real?

The goggle virus is no longer active.

How do you build a biological virus?

In research, we use artificial system to make viral like particles for the research purpose. We transfect different plasmids in to the human cell line to produce virus like particles. They wont infect like the real virus. The same way, real virus can also be made, but only under tight security and protection.

What is a virus hoax?

Merry Xmas is a documented hoax virus.. A hoax virus is a virus that isn't actually a virus. It gets you worried but it's not real.

Is the virus Here you have it or Just for you real?

It is actually a fake virus that is trying to make people scared. If you receive any answers other than this, they are fake. Remember that it is not true so do not worry!

Why would someone make a fake virus?

To scare somebody into thinking it's a real virus without facing the legal troubles or actually harming the persons actual computer in the process.

Is the rage virus real?

No, the "rage virus" depicted in movies such as "28 Days Later" is fictional. There is no real virus that causes individuals to become violent and frenzied like in the movies.

Is a scam or have a virus?

no its real

What is the closest real life thing to the t virus from resident evil?

Rabies Virus.