The "skull and bones" flag is often associated with secret societies and has various interpretations. It is commonly linked to the infamous Yale secret society, also known as Scroll and Key. The flag features a white skull and crossed bones on a black background, symbolizing themes of secrecy, power, and exclusivity.
Amy and Dan are part of the Cahill family, a secret society in The 39 Clues series. They belong to the Madrigal branch of the Cahill family, one of the most secretive and enigmatic branches.
A matriarchal society.
Watson and Crick are known for discovering the structure of DNA, not the "secret of life." They did not walk into a pub making such a claim.
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Dragonologist are not real according to 9 year old Chris Sarna. They only exist is the Dragonology.
Ernest Drake is a fictional character created by author Dugald A. Steer for the "Dragonology" series of books. In the context of the book series, Ernest Drake is portrayed as a prominent dragonologist who is well-known in the field. However, in real life, there are many individuals who study or have studied dragons in various capacities, both scientifically and mythologically.
The Masons, also Cain formed in ancient times a secret society between him and Satan and he and his succesors were called Master Mahan tell the flood. All high in power secret societies are controlled by satan.
a secret society
read Aristotle, Plato and Socrates in particular and the ancient greek philosophers generally. Added: Try Secret Societies, By D. V. Barrett. It looks at the ancient 'mysteries' (as a lot of them were called then), cults and secret societies. For the older ones - like masonry and the secret order of libertines - it gives a lot of historic reference about their origins. A lot of these came from the worship of Bachus or Liber back in ancient greece/rome.
Ancient Society was created in 1877.
Wolf's Head - secret society - was created in 1883.
As well the secret society was not as polite to African-Americans,and also the secret society was called "Ku Klux Klan".
Ancient Monuments Society was created in 1924.
it's a secret