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Majority of eukaryotes undergo meiosis for sexual reproduction.But some undergo mitosis for asexual reproduction.

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The majority of eukaryotic organisms reproduce sexually, through the fusion of gametes from two parents to create genetic diversity in offspring. Some eukaryotes can also reproduce asexually through processes like budding, fragmentation, or spore formation.

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What do muticellul ar organisms use mitosis for?

Mitosis is cell division in eukaryotic cells. They use them to reproduce.

What process occurs in eukaryotic organisms that only reproduce asexually?

In eukaryotic organisms that reproduce asexually, the process of mitosis occurs. During mitosis, the cell's nucleus duplicates its chromosomes and divides into two identical daughter cells. This allows for growth, repair, and reproduction without genetic variation.

What organism uses mitosis to reproduce?

bacteria and amoebaBacteria reproduce by fission.Mitosis is involved in single celled eukariyotic organisms

Is a animal prokaryote?

Animals are not prokaryotes.They are eukaryotic organisms.

What is the difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms?

Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus and other membranebound organells, while prokaryotic cells don't

Cells that have a nucleus are?

cells that have a true nucleus and membrane bound organelles are eukaryotic. If they do not, they are prokaryotic (majority ore unicellular organisms)

Are most unicellular organisms eukaryotic?

No most unicelluar organisms are not eukaryotic alot of them are prokaryotic

How do fungi bacteria and algae differ from each other?

Fungi are eukaryotic organisms that obtain nutrients through absorption, bacteria are prokaryotic organisms that have diverse metabolic capabilities, and algae are photosynthetic eukaryotic organisms. Fungi reproduce through spores, bacteria through binary fission, and algae through both sexual and asexual reproduction.

List the characteristics that distinguish animals from organisms in the other three Eukaryotic kingdoms?

Animals are multicellular, heterotrophic organisms that lack cell walls and exhibit mobility at some stage in their life cycle. These characteristics differentiate animals from organisms in other eukaryotic kingdoms such as plants, fungi, and protists.

Are cheetahs eukaryotic?

Yes, cheetahs are eukaryotic organisms.

Is paramecium eukaryotic?

Paramesium is a protozoan.They are eukaryotic organisms