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Nature's biomes repair themselves through processes such as natural succession, where plant and animal communities gradually change over time to restore balance after disturbances. Other forms of natural regeneration include the re-establishment of soil nutrients, the growth of new plants, and the return of wildlife. These ecosystem processes work to recover and restore the structure and function of the biome over time.

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Q: How do nature's biomes repair itself?
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What 2 biomes are closest to MN?

The two biomes closest to Minnesota are the Prairie biome to the southwest and the Deciduous Forest biome to the southeast. Minnesota itself is typically classified as part of the Temperate Deciduous Forest biome.

Can the occipital lobe repair itself?

The occipital lobe of the brain does not have the intrinsic ability to repair itself like some other organs. Recovery from injury to the occipital lobe often involves other parts of the brain compensating for the loss of function. Rehabilitation therapy and treatment strategies can help improve outcomes and function.

What are the three water biomes?

The three main water biomes are freshwater biomes (e.g. rivers, lakes), marine biomes (e.g. oceans), and estuarine biomes (e.g. coastal wetlands). Each of these biomes supports different ecosystems and organisms adapted to their unique environmental conditions.

Is India a biome?

India is a country with diverse biomes within its territory, including tropical rainforests, desert regions, grasslands, and mountainous areas. Therefore, India itself is not a biome, but it contains various biomes due to its diverse geography and climate.

How do marine biomes differ from fresh water biomes?

Marine biomes are found in saltwater environments like oceans and seas, while freshwater biomes occur in bodies of water with low salt concentration like rivers, lakes, and ponds. Marine biomes have a higher salt content, different climate patterns, and unique biodiversity compared to freshwater biomes.

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One; the taiga itself. The taiga is a biome, so it would not have any biomes inside of it.

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Ozone layer, yes can repair itself. However without the disturbance of man made ODS's.

What 2 biomes are closest to MN?

The two biomes closest to Minnesota are the Prairie biome to the southwest and the Deciduous Forest biome to the southeast. Minnesota itself is typically classified as part of the Temperate Deciduous Forest biome.

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who stated that diseases have natural causes and the body has the power to repair itself?

Hippocrates is stated that diseases have natural causes and the body has the power to repair itself.

Can the ozone repair?

Yes the ozone can repair itself. But only when humans stop the use of CFC's.

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Yes, it can and will repair itself but the repair may not be like the original.

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How many biomes are forests a part of?

They are apart of 2 biomes They are apart of 2 biomes