They don't!
Fruit grows on any flowering plant.
Berries are fruit that grows on bushes.
Tomatoes, grapes, and many other fruit grow on vines.
An apple on a tree is considered nonliving. Once the apple is detached from the tree, it no longer receives nutrients and will eventually decompose.
Yes, an apple tree is alive. It is a living organism that grows, reproduces, and responds to its environment.
The crabapple tree bears small apple-like fruits that are typically about 1 inch in diameter. Crabapples come in various colors and are often used in cooking or for making jams and jellies.
The cherry blossom tree, specifically the Yoshino cherry tree, is known for its pink flowers. These trees are popular for their gorgeous display of pink blooms in the spring.
An apple tree belongs to the Plantae kingdom. It is a flowering plant that produces fruit known as apples.
Like a tree...
Though there are many varieties, an apple from a tree will always be an apple.However, an Apple computer can never be an apple from a tree. And while you can cut and divide up an apple (from a tree) and have it still be an apple (in pieces), you can never cut and divide up an Apple computer and have it still look like or work like an Apple computer.
it looks like an apple tree with pink mutant apples on it u have to be a member to buy it though
certainly, eat the apple of apple tree. but you ask like this whether have another means?
what does apple strudel look like
Like every other apple tree when they are ripe.
an apple blossom is a part of the apple tree. there for it is (just like the name says) an apple blossom. the blossom will then turn into an apple once it is pollonated by a bee.
it do look like a tree with oranges
They both look good hangin from a tree
It means your just like your father. You look like him, act like him almost like they saying of "The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From The Tree"
You go to Blizzard Mountain and u see tree's that look like apple tree's not thou's a little bit closer to Bonk & Blinks Lair are these tree's that look like ever-greens u click and harvest e'm well that's it ;)
because it is an apple tree