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Through superior intellect.

Answerwell, we were put on the earth to rule over animals also we were more smarter
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3mo ago

Humans became the most dominant species on Earth due to key evolutionary advantages such as intelligence, complex communication, and the ability to adapt to different environments. These traits enabled humans to develop advanced tools, social structures, and strategies for survival, ultimately leading to their dominance over other species.

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Q: How did humans become the most dominant species on Earth?
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Are humans a virus on Earth?

Humans are not a virus on Earth. While humans have had a significant impact on the planet's ecosystems, including pollution and habitat destruction, we are a species capable of positive contributions and stewardship of the environment. It is important for us to find a balance that ensures the well-being of both humanity and the Earth.

How many different life forms is on earth?

There are estimated to be over 8.7 million different species of plants and animals on Earth, but this number may vary as new species are discovered and existing ones become extinct.

Are humans destroying the earth?

Human activities have contributed to environmental degradation and climate change, leading to loss of biodiversity, deforestation, pollution, and other harmful impacts on the Earth's ecosystems. However, it is not accurate to say that humans are destroying the Earth entirely. Sustainable practices and efforts to reduce our environmental footprint can help mitigate these negative impacts and preserve the planet for future generations.

Why is the human being considered as the most important part of the biosphere?

Humans are considered the most important part of the biosphere because of their ability to significantly impact and influence all other living organisms and their environment. As highly intelligent and dominant species, humans have the capacity to shape the fate of the Earth's ecosystems and biodiversity, making their role crucial in maintaining the balance of the biosphere. Additionally, human well-being is intricately linked to the health of the biosphere, emphasizing the importance of their relationship with the environment for overall sustainability.

Which living organisms do not become extinct?

No species is immune to extinction. However, some species may have a lower risk of extinction due to factors such as adaptability, population size, and geographic distribution. Conservation efforts can also help to mitigate the risk of extinction for certain species.

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Which is likely to be the dominant species after humans?

Dogs were thought to be the most dominant after humans because of the size of the species and the tactics of its species.then again the more less dominant species of prim mates were thought to rule the earth, but they're only in parts of the planet as in dogs are spread across the globe. So the worlds most dominant species is cat or dogs because of they're cross globe species and they're tactics in hunting

Where can you find humans?

Humans are the dominant species on the planet Earth. You will find them, or proof of their existent in every habitat, every continent, every landmass on the planet.

Is man the dominant species?

It can be argued that humans are the dominant species on Earth due to our advanced cognitive abilities and technological advancements. However, in terms of sheer numbers and impact on the environment, some may consider bacteria or insects as the dominant species.

When was the first homo sapien sapien human born?

The first Homo sapiens sapiens, or anatomically modern humans, emerged around 300,000 years ago in Africa. This species eventually spread and replaced other hominins to become the dominant human species on Earth.

Are human a weak species?

Human beings are not inherently weak as a species. While they may not possess physical strength or abilities comparable to other species, humans have developed cognitive, technological, and social capacities that allow them to thrive and adapt in a variety of environments. The human ability to collaborate, innovate, and use tools has enabled them to become the dominant species on Earth.

For about 140-150s millon years they were the dominant species of animals on earth?


What do the earth has?

it has species,humans,and most of all the nature

What is a sentence for humankind?

Humankind has evolved over millions of years to become the dominant species on Earth.

Most species on Earth today are?

humans --------------------------------------- There are far more insects than there are humans!

What is the most dominant wild life in the temperate deciduous forest?

Humans. (Its the answer for every ecosystem on earth)

Are humans the worst species on earth?

That depends on your point of view.

How did humans come to inhabit the earth?

Well if you believed in God then you would know that God created humans and every living thing. Cause who else could have created it with so much power like God. There is a one and only God. see there is no other phrases for other belief people. Or........... Humans evolved from apes, bigger brains made us work out problems and become the dominant species. Or......... Aliens arrived and interbred with existing life forms, to create humans.