A mangrove is a group of trees and shrubs that grow at the edge of land and salt water. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (UNFAO) has developed an International Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries to help protect mangroves. The help of local and national governments is needed to help keep people from destroying mangroves.
you can help by raising money, and donating it to different organizations such as :
Save The Rainforestyou could call or email them to find out more information about how you can help.
remember: Save, dont pave!
No, roots do not stop growing after a tree is cut down. The roots may continue to grow if there is available nutrients and water in the soil. However, without the tree to support, the root growth may slow down over time.
Human eyes typically stop growing in size around the age of three, reaching their adult size. However, the eyes continue to change and develop in terms of vision and function throughout life.
It typically takes around 6-10 years for a eucalyptus tree to grow from a seed to a mature tree, depending on the specific species and growing conditions. Some fast-growing species may reach tree size in as little as 6 years, while slower-growing species may take closer to 10 years.
Yes, most organs stop growing once an individual reaches adulthood. However, some organs can regenerate and repair themselves throughout life, such as the liver and the skin.
A polypeptide stops growing when the ribosome reaches a stop codon on the mRNA template. This triggers the release of the polypeptide chain, along with the ribosome and mRNA, from the protein synthesis machinery.
yOU CANT STOP THEM FROM growing but after about 8 months it will stop growing.
tree line
You could stop the production of fruit by picking off all the blossoms. :)
The giant sequoia trees do not stop growing completely but like most trees, they do cease to grow in the winter. This is due to a lack of nutrients needed to support the tree's growth.
No, roots do not stop growing after a tree is cut down. The roots may continue to grow if there is available nutrients and water in the soil. However, without the tree to support, the root growth may slow down over time.
if you say tree stump i assume it's a tree you've cut down. Once a tree is cut down it can never grow again.
A tree line also called timberline is referring on the stage where the trees stop growing. Tree line happens in frigid places.
A tree line also called timberline is referring on the stage where the trees stop growing. Tree line happens in frigid places.
I have an ornamental plum tree but I fight the sucklings so much. How can I get rid of them?
"Tree line" used in the sense of terrain, is where trees start or stop growing. Above the tree line it is too cold and rocky, below the treeline is savannah.
How do you stop a tree stump from growing back?
When you grow up you will stop growing.