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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 2mo ago

DNA technology can impact individuals in various ways, such as through genetic testing for health risks or ancestry, personalized medicine based on genetic profiles, and forensics for crime investigation. It can help in detecting and diagnosing diseases early, enabling tailored treatment plans and improving overall healthcare outcomes. Additionally, DNA technology can also be used in agriculture to develop genetically modified crops with enhanced traits.

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Q: How can DNA technology affect your life?
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How does DNA invention can can change your life?

The invention of DNA technology has revolutionized fields such as medicine, forensics, and agriculture. DNA testing allows for personalized medicine and early disease detection, while forensic DNA analysis helps solve crimes. In agriculture, DNA technology has improved crop yield and disease resistance. Overall, the invention of DNA technology has the potential to improve and impact many aspects of human life.

What is the substance required to cleave the vector DNA during recombinant DNA technology?

Restriction enzymes are the substances required to cleave the vector DNA during recombinant DNA technology. These enzymes recognize specific DNA sequences and cut the DNA at specific points, allowing for the insertion of foreign DNA fragments.

How is PCR and recombinant DNA technology similar?

PCR and recombinant DNA technology both involve manipulating DNA in the laboratory. PCR is a technique used to amplify specific DNA sequences, while recombinant DNA technology involves combining DNA from different sources to create a new DNA molecule. Both techniques have revolutionized the field of molecular biology and have numerous applications in research and biotechnology.

What is used to make many copies of DNA?

Recombinant DNA technology PCR

What does DNA Technology mean Give some practical applications of this technology that affect our lives.?

DNA technology refers to techniques and processes used to manipulate, analyze, and study DNA. Practical applications include DNA fingerprinting for forensic purposes, genetic testing for inherited diseases, genetically modified organisms in agriculture, and gene therapy for treating genetic disorders. These applications have a significant impact on society by contributing to crime investigation, medical diagnostics and treatments, food production, and disease management.

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r DNA technology is technology of creating new combination of DNA. While pcr is one of techniques used in r DNA technology for amplification of perticuler DNA fragment

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they kill people alive!

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the life in 1890 was diffrent so they used diffrent type of technology but that technology was not as good as the ones we have here the life in 1890 was diffrent so they used diffrent type of technology but that technology was not as good as the ones we have here

How does DNA technology transfer bacteria genes from cell to cell?

DNA technology will transfer bacteria genes from cell to cell.

What career combines DNA technology and medicine?

Pharmaceuticals combine DNA technology and medicine.

Why cleavage of DNA is done in recombinant DNA technology?

Recombinant DNA technology is the most emerging technique for the production of DNA for the useful bio-materials like insulin. So to produce recombinant DNA two different DNA is rejoined. so cleavage is done to extract the desired DNA and then joined again.

Can DNA technology to solve crimes?


How do you make a real life mew?

right now in human society its impossible because we don't have the technology to create living beings without there DNA

Which career combines DNA technology and forensics?
