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Snails play a role in environmental science as indicators of ecosystem health. Their presence or absence can indicate the quality of the environment, such as water or soil pollution. Studying snails can also provide insights into biodiversity, habitat suitability, and the impact of environmental changes on ecosystems.

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Q: How are snails related to environmental science?
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Is environmental science life science?

Environmental science is a multidisciplinary field that incorporates elements of life science along with physical science, social science, and other disciplines. While environmental science does focus on the interactions of living organisms with their environment, it also encompasses broader aspects like ecosystems, natural resources, pollution, and sustainability.

How is life science related to science?

Life science is a branch of science that focuses on studying living organisms, their interactions, and their environments. It is related to science in general as it follows the scientific method to explore and understand biological phenomena, using principles of biology, chemistry, physics, and other related fields to advance knowledge in the realm of life sciences.

What describes population in science?

Population in science refers to a group of individuals of the same species living in a specific area. It is often studied to understand patterns and processes related to the abundance and distribution of organisms in ecosystems. Analysis of populations helps scientists make predictions about how environmental changes may impact species.

How long can sea snails live?

Sea snails can live up to 20 years in the wild, depending on the species and environmental conditions. Some larger species have been known to live even longer, up to 40 years. Particular factors such as predation, habitat, and food availability can influence the lifespan of sea snails.

What branch of science does a ecologist work in?

An ecologist works in the field of ecology, which is a branch of environmental science that focuses on the study of interactions between organisms and their environment. Ecologists study the relationships between living organisms, their habitats, and the ecosystems they are a part of.

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Environmental management is how we manage the the behavior of environmental changes . Environmental science is the study of living organism and other things related to environment . They both are part of Environment education.

What is a popular subject of research in environmental science?

Popular subjects include Ecology chemistry and biology. Anything that is related to the earth in a scientific way is considered environmental science.

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environmental science

Does environmental science count as a biological science?

you can say it because the nvironmental science is going to be related on plants, recycling etc. what I am trying to say is that it will involve nature. Also, biology involves types of nature projects. However, biology is more complex and advanced than environmental science.

What are the subjects related to environmental science?

Environmental Ecology Ecotoxicology Global Processes Environmental Management Tools Environmental Hydrology and Remediation Land Use and Environmental Planning Major Project Comprehensive Environmental Economics Geotechnology Air Quality and Wastewater Management

What kind of careers can you get with a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science?

There are many science and education-related careers available to those with degrees in environmental science. The jobs include, but are not limited to, environmental researcher, biochemist, ecologist, toxicologist, and microbiologist.

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the importance of environmental science for our community

Why is environmental science a multidisciplinary science?

because it is a environmental study of donkey.........