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plants are adapted for photosynthesis because of the cells and chloroplasts within them. They are closely packed together instead of being spread wide and therefore absorb much more light and water when it rains, and this makes the pkant photosynthesis

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14y ago
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3mo ago

Plants have adapted photosynthesis by evolving specialized structures (e.g. chloroplasts) and molecules (e.g. chlorophyll) that efficiently capture sunlight and convert it into energy. They have also developed strategies to reduce water loss during photosynthesis, such as closing stomata to regulate gas exchange. Additionally, plants have mechanisms to optimize photosynthesis in different environmental conditions, like adjusting their leaf orientation or changing pigment composition.

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12y ago

Plants are wide and flat to create a large surface area and to absorb as much light as possible, leaves are very thin so gases can reach cells easily, they are also lots of tiny holes called stomata on their underside through which gases go in and out, they also have lots of veins called xylem that carry water to the cells and phloem that carry glucose away.

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14y ago

so easy by the sun the sun gives it energy to make it own food but not alone carbon dioxide is in it to you should already know that since you aksed this question

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Q: How does a plants adapt photosynthesis?
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Photosynthesis is not a person. It is a process done by plant to get energy

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You could ask your science teacher about how environmental factors, such as light intensity or temperature, affect the rate of photosynthesis in plants. This could lead to a discussion about the mechanisms behind photosynthesis and how plants adapt to their surroundings.

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Plants got the process of photosynthesis by means of evolution.

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Plants can adapt to low light conditions by growing larger leaves to capture more light, increasing the number of chloroplasts in their cells to maximize photosynthesis efficiency, and expanding their root systems to access more nutrients and water. Some plants also develop specialized pigments that allow them to better absorb and utilize the available light.

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Plants and animals both need water, air, and nutrients to survive. They are both composed of cells and rely on photosynthesis for energy production. Both plants and animals have the ability to reproduce and adapt to their environment.

Do cotton plants use photosynthesis?

Yes, cotton plants do use photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert sunlight into energy, and cotton plants are no exception. They use this energy to produce the nutrients they need to grow and develop.

What plants are involved in photosynthesis?

Plants, algae, and certain bacteria are involved in photosynthesis. These organisms have chlorophyll that can capture sunlight energy and convert it into chemical energy in the form of glucose.

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photosynthesis photosynthesis