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Fat cells and starch cells are both storage cells in the body. Fat cells store energy in the form of triglycerides, while starch cells store energy in the form of glucose. Both types of cells can expand and shrink based on energy needs.

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Q: How are fat cells and starch cell similar?
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Does the cell store starch and fat in the nucleus?

No, the cell does not store starch and fat in the nucleus. Starch is stored in the chloroplasts of plant cells, while fat is typically stored in specialized organelles called lipid droplets within the cell. The nucleus primarily houses the cell's genetic material in the form of DNA.

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The function of starch in plant cells is primarily the storage, and then the releasing, of biochemical energy.

Is a fat cell a prokaryotic or a eukaryotic cell?

A fat cell is a eukaryotic cell. Eukaryotic cells have a membrane-bound nucleus and other organelles, whereas prokaryotic cells do not have a nucleus or membrane-bound organelles.

What are the features of fat cell?

Fat cells contain large vacuoles enclosing fat droplets

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Fat cells do not have nerve cells because they are primarily made up of adipocytes, which are specialized cells for storing fat. Nerve cells, on the other hand, are responsible for transmitting signals throughout the body and are not typically found within fat tissue.

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What special features of the fat cell?

Fat cells contain large vacuoles enclosing fat droplets

What are the special features of fat cell?

Fat cells contain large vacuoles enclosing fat droplets

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Where a stem cell is found in an adult mammal?

In fat cells.

At what age aaprox does fat cell production stop?

Fat cell production does not stop at any age. You can create new fat cells throughout your entire lifetime. If you have an unhealthy diet this forces your body to create new fat cells to store the excess fat in; once these fat cells are created they never leave your body, they will only shrink.

What are two cells that don't go undergo mitosis?

the nic cell because it's to fat