Nutrients benefit your body by providing essential substances that support growth, repair, and maintenance of tissues and organs. They help regulate bodily functions, support the immune system, and provide energy for daily activities. Nutrients also play a role in preventing diseases and promoting overall health and well-being.
The bloodstream carries nutrients to the body's cells. Nutrients from the food we eat are absorbed in the digestive system and then transported via the bloodstream to cells throughout the body, providing them with the necessary energy and building blocks for proper functioning.
The small intestine is the primary organ responsible for processing nutrients in the human body. It absorbs nutrients from food through its walls and transfers them into the bloodstream to be circulated throughout the body. Additionally, the liver plays a key role in processing and storing nutrients as well.
The circulatory system is responsible for transporting essential nutrients throughout the body. It picks up the nutrients from the small intestine and large intestine, and brings the nutrients to cells in the body.
The small intestine is the main part of the body responsible for absorbing nutrients from food. It is lined with villi and microvilli that increase the surface area for nutrient absorption into the bloodstream. Nutrients are then transported to cells throughout the body for energy, growth, and repair.
The small intestine plays a significant role in processing nutrients in the human body. It is where the majority of digestion and absorption of nutrients occurs, allowing the body to utilize essential vitamins, minerals, and other compounds from food.
this different nutrients have a benefit in our body because we cannot live without them and because we use this nutrients forever and nutrients gives us strength to live our daily lives peacefully and happily........... tnx po by joy
Nutrients that benefit your body and help you stay focused with a great mood!
So we can benefit from all the vitamins and nutrients that come from fruits and vegetables.
The cells will benefit in meat by the taking the proteins which the body needs to develop if your cells don't get the nutrients it suppose to get then you won't be healthy.
Because fibre has no "nutrients" (calories, vitamins or minerals) in it for the body to absorb and benefit from.
Healthy food provides your body with nutrients that it needs to function and have energy. Junk food lacks nutrients that your body needs. That is why it is called 'junk'. Instead you may be getting food additives that may be tasty, but are of no benefit to you.
Your body is composed entirely of nutrients, or of substances that were made from nutrients.
The blood carries nutrients to the body. Most of the nutrients are transported to places that needs the nutrients the most.
the nutrients your body needs are sugar, starch, and fiber.
The nutrients your body needs are mostly water and food
Nutrients are units of blocks that build the body, in most of the case, they are not stored but assimilated inside the body. The nutrients in the body are carried in the blood and assimilated through out a body. some nutrients like glucose are temporarily stored in the liver.
nutrients leads to a great health and calcium and produce to your body