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round up. use the concentrate and 2x the recommended amount. this stuff is nasty and will take over your lawn there's no other way to get rid of it except manual removal.

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6mo ago

Glyphosate-based herbicides are effective in controlling marsh marigold, also known as kingcup. Care should be taken to follow the specific instructions on the herbicide label for application in wetland or aquatic environments to minimize environmental impact. Additionally, manual removal or spot-treating with herbicides containing triclopyr or 2,4-D can also be effective in controlling marsh marigold.

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Is African marigold the same as marsh marigold?

Probably not. The marsh marigold is native to Northern Europe. I'm not familiar with the African Marigold, but if it comes from Africa it is probably not closely related.

What are is the Difference between a herbicide and an insecticide?

A herbicide kills weeds and an insecticide kills insects. :)

Is king cup a marsh marigold?

King cup is not a marsh marigold. King cup is another name for the plant marsh-marigold (Caltha palustris), which is a species of flowering plant in the buttercup family. It is also known by other names such as cowslip and water dragon.

What is the scientificname of marigold?

Which one? African Marigold is Tagetes erecta, the French Marigold is Tagetes patula, the Marsh Marigold is Caltha palustris or the Corn Marigold Chrysanthemum segetum.

What kills the trees?

Fire and Herbicide .

What animal eats marsh marigold?

Deer and rabbits are known to eat marsh marigold. However, marsh marigold contains toxins that make it unpalatable to many animals, so it is not heavily consumed.

What are three kinds of weed killer?

There is a selective herbicide that only kills weeds and there is an unselective herbicide which kills everything it comes into contact with and I am not sure about the third one.

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What is a marsh marigolds?

An orange flower Answer. Again we have a common name confusing the issue. There are at least 5 different Marigolds. We have Callendulla officinalis the Pot Marigold. Tagetes erecta the African Marigold. Tagetes patula the French Marigold Chrysanthemum segetum the Corn Marigold and Caltha palustris the Marsh Marigold. They are not all orange, although many are, and they are not all true Marigolds.

What kills trees?

* Herbicide * Insects * Fire * People * weather * diseases

Can horses eat marigold is it safe for them?

Cape Marigold also called African Daisy ( Dimorphotheca Pluvialis) is listed as non-toxic to horses. Other types of Marigold however, such as the Marsh Marigold are toxic and need to be kept away from horses and other animals.

Is marsh marigold a wild plant?

Yes, marsh marigold (Caltha palustris) is a wild plant that is commonly found in marshes, wetlands, and along streambanks. It is native to North America and Europe and is known for its bright yellow flowers that bloom in the spring.