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it is the ribosomes

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Ribosomes function as factories within cells to produce proteins by reading the genetic code from messenger RNA and assembling amino acids in the correct order to form the specific protein molecule. This process, known as translation, is essential for cell growth, maintenance, and function.

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Q: Funtion as factories to produce proteins?
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Why are cells called protein factory?

Cells are often called protein factories because they contain the machinery necessary to produce proteins. Proteins are essential for various biological functions, and cells constantly synthesize, fold, and transport proteins to carry out vital processes within the organism. Thus, cells can be likened to factories due to their role in manufacturing proteins.

What is a easy way to remember ribosomes?

Think of ribosomes as the cell's protein factories since they are responsible for protein synthesis. You can envision them as little "ribosome factories" constantly working to produce proteins for the cell.

Why is rough ER was compared to a factory making proteins?

Rough ER is compared to a factory making proteins because it houses ribosomes that synthesize proteins. Just like a factory has a production line where different components come together to produce goods, rough ER has a structure that helps in the assembly and modification of proteins for various cellular functions.

What are The protein factories of the cell are called?

The protein factories of the cell are called ribosomes. Ribosomes are responsible for the synthesis of proteins by translating the genetic information from mRNA into the corresponding amino acid sequence.

What is the function of the ribisomes?

Ribosomes are cellular structures responsible for protein synthesis by translating messenger RNA (mRNA) into chains of amino acids that form proteins. They consist of two subunits that come together during protein synthesis and can be found in the cytoplasm or attached to the endoplasmic reticulum in eukaryotic cells.

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What functions to produce proteins?

Ribosomes functions as factories to produce proteins.

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Are proteins assembled in the cell?

Ribosomes are the cell organelles that assemble proteins. They function as factories to produce usable proteins for a cell.

Does ribosomes produces proteins?

Yes they produce proteins.They are the protein factories of cell

What functions as factories to produce protein?


Functions as factories to produce proteins?

the answer is RibosomesPS.I got the same worksheet ;D

What do factories and ribosomes have in common?

Factories and ribosomes are both involved in the production of specific products: factories produce goods, while ribosomes produce proteins. Both operate as assembly lines, with factories constructing physical products and ribosomes synthesizing proteins based on the instructions from RNA.

Functions as factories to produce proteins in a cell?

Ribosomes are the structures that function as factories to produce protein. They connect one amino acid at a time and build long chains.

What are the chemical factories in cells that produce proteins?

The rough endoplasmic reticulum produces proteins for the cell. The cell feeds off the proteins, hence the "food factory." I hope that helps.