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when an organism is dead , it gets decayed to the soil due to the actions of micro organisms.

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When an organism dies, its body stops functioning, leading to a cessation of bodily processes such as respiration and circulation. Without these functions, cells begin to break down, a process called decomposition. Bacteria and other microorganisms help break down the organic matter, returning nutrients to the environment.

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Q: Explain the process of what happens when an organism dies?
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What happens when one organism eats another?

When one organism eats another, it is called predation. The predator (the organism that eats the other) benefits by obtaining nutrients and energy from the prey. The prey may be killed or harmed in the process.

What happens to the energy in a organism after it dies?

After an organism dies, the energy stored in its body is eventually released through processes like decomposition, where microorganisms break down the organic matter. This energy is returned to the environment in the form of heat and nutrients, which can be used by other organisms in the ecosystem.

What happens to an organism when one cell dies?

When one cell dies in an organism, it is typically replaced by a new cell through the process of cell division. The death of a single cell usually does not have a significant impact on the organism as a whole, as long as the process of cell replacement continues to maintain overall tissue and organ function.

When does diffusion of nutrients among cells of an organism cease?

Diffusion of nutrients among cells of an organism ceases when all cells have reached an equilibrium where nutrients are evenly distributed and there is no longer a concentration gradient driving the diffusion process. This typically occurs when all cells have sufficient nutrients and there is no need for further transfer.

What happens to an organism after it dies?

In the wild it will decay and turn into plantlife When buried in a coffin it will decay, but at a slower rate When mummified, it will decay at an even slower rate When air-locked (stuck in tar, wrapped up, etc.) it won't decay at all

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What happens to the nitrogen in organism's body when the organism dies?

When an organism dies the nitrogen in its body it is released by action of decomposers. A desert is a biome that is very dry and little precipitation.

What happens when one organism eats another?

When one organism eats another, it is called predation. The predator (the organism that eats the other) benefits by obtaining nutrients and energy from the prey. The prey may be killed or harmed in the process.

What happens when an organism dies in an area with low oxygen?

When an organism dies in an area with low oxygen, the decomposition process slows down because bacteria and other decomposers that rely on oxygen for energy are less active. This can result in slower breakdown of the organic matter and preservation of the remains for longer periods of time.

When an organism dies what happens to the nutrients in its body?

when the nuorganism dies the nutrient cant move or be doing what is normal does it doesnt have the power to do it

What happens when organisms?

When an organism dies, it is broken down into nutrients by bacteria, which can be absorbed by plants.

What happens when you organism?

When an organism dies, its body begins to undergo the process of decomposition. Bacteria, fungi, and other organisms break down the body's tissues and organic matter, returning them to the environment as nutrients. Over time, the remains will be fully decomposed, completing the cycle of life and death.

What happens when flowers are pollinated?

The flower dies off and the process of the seed forming begins.

When an organism dies what happens?

It dissolves almost like. When something dies everything tends to completely vanish due to the fact that the body may rot or become bone matter.

After an organism dies what happens to the nitrogen in the body?

When an organism dies, the nitrogen in its body is returned to the environment through decomposition processes. Microorganisms break down the organic matter, releasing nitrogen back into the soil where it can be taken up by plants and reused in the ecosystem.

What happens to the energy in a organism after it dies?

After an organism dies, the energy stored in its body is eventually released through processes like decomposition, where microorganisms break down the organic matter. This energy is returned to the environment in the form of heat and nutrients, which can be used by other organisms in the ecosystem.

What happens to a fresh water organism in 20 percent of saline solution?

it dies since it enters a hypotonic solution thus making it shrink

What happens to carbon-14 levels in a living thing after it dies?

After an organism dies, the carbon-14 levels start to decrease through radioactive decay, with half of the carbon-14 atoms decaying every 5,730 years. This process allows scientists to determine the age of organic remains through radiocarbon dating.