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This is a very broad question, so a broad answer would be:

Internal stimuli will most commonly be automatic reflexes triggered by external stimuli. Example, a drop in temp. will start shivering, cold is felt on the skin a nerve pathway is initiated to the brain triggering follicle stimulation and muscle spasming. Eating more acidic foods (external) will result in the organism producing more bicarbonate to neutralise the acid (internal).

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12y ago
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14y ago

internal stimuli is something changing from the inside example like the body is changing,growth,etc.

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14y ago

a hunter could shoot is gunwithout responce to an action the prey to the hunter could not react therefore the prey could not run.

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11y ago

an increase in the amount of water available to a plant

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Hunger and dehydration

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hunger and/or dehydration

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Q: What is an internal stimuli of an animal?
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What are penguins internal stimuli and response?

they have "mateing sessions"

How can you distinguish between external and internal stimuli?

External stimuli come from outside the body, such as light or sound, and trigger a response through the sensory organs, like eyes or ears. Internal stimuli originate inside the body, such as hunger or pain, and are detected by internal sensory receptors like nerve endings or hormones.

True or false. We respond to both external and internal stimuli?

True. Hunger is internal, a voice is external.

Explain how both external and internal stimuli are involved in your action?

External stimuli come from the environment and can influence your actions by triggering responses based on what you see, hear, or feel. Internal stimuli, on the other hand, originate from within your body, such as hunger or pain, and can also lead to behaviors like eating or seeking relief. Together, external and internal stimuli interact to guide your actions in various situations.

Describe how an important characteristic of life - an organism's ability to respond to stimuli in its environment - can help an animal in the wild avoid a predator?

An animal's ability to respond to stimuli in its environment allows it to detect and react to danger signs such as predator sounds or scents. When an animal senses these stimuli, it can quickly assess the threat and take evasive action, such as fleeing or hiding, to avoid being caught by the predator. This ability to respond to stimuli can be crucial for survival in the wild by increasing the chances of escaping or avoiding predators.

Related questions

What is internal stimuli and external stimuli?

Nervous System

The awareness of internal and external stimuli defines?

Internal stimuli is unconscious stimuli that occurs without conscious thought. External stimuli occurs from outside sources that procur conscious thought.

Example of a internal stimuli?

An internal stimulus is something that stimulates from within. Examples of internal stimuli are hunger, fatigue, disease, hormones, drowsiness and anxiety.

What is the difference between external and internal stimuli?

internal is in and external is out

Types of stimuli?

Stimuli are composed of two types: The Internal Stimuli and External Stimuli. Under internal stimuli are homeostatic imbalances and blood pressure. On the other hand, external stimuli are vision, touch and pain, taste, smell, equilibrium and sound.

What does internal response mean?

internal respnse is the results from the internal stimuli. do u get it you goat?

How does the respiratory system to internal and external stimuli?

how can respiatory system respond to internal and external stimuli

How do animal response to stimuli?

It respond to stimuli, by its own life.

Can a stimuli be either external or internal?

Not at all

Distinguish between external and internal stimuli Give an example of each?

internal is in and external is out

What are the 4 stimuli of animal aggressiveness?

Nervousness, excitement, anger, and territorialness are the most popular stimuli for animal aggressiveness.

Is a behavior belongs to internal stimuli?

yes in deed