False. Low Km actually indicates a strong binding of the enzyme to the substrate, resulting in a high affinity and low velocity at low substrate concentrations. High Km means a weak binding of the enzyme to the substrate and requires higher substrate concentrations for the enzyme to achieve maximum velocity.
Negative feedback mechanisms work to decrease or counteract the original stimulus, rather than completely ending it. The goal is to bring the system back to its set point or normal level by regulating the stimulus within a certain range.
A negative control is used in PCR to ensure that there is no contamination in the reaction, which could lead to false positive results. It contains all the PCR components except the template DNA, so any amplification detected in the negative control would indicate contamination.
Timing is critical when decolorizing in Gram staining because if the decolorizer is left on for too long, it can wash away the crystal violet stain from Gram-positive cells, leading to a false negative result. Conversely, if the decolorizer is not left on long enough, the crystal violet stain may not be fully removed from Gram-negative cells, leading to a false positive result. Timing ensures accurate differentiation between Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.
A negative consequence of using DNA technology in forensics is the potential for misinterpretation or mishandling of evidence, leading to false incrimination or exoneration of individuals. Additionally, concerns about privacy and the potential for misuse of genetic information are valid considerations.
False. A negative slope on a velocity vs. time graph indicates that the object is decelerating, not that it is not accelerating. Acceleration and deceleration are both forms of acceleration, but in opposite directions.
False. A negative slope on the velocity vs time graph indicates that the object is decelerating or slowing down, but it is still accelerating in the opposite direction.
False; it's a False Negative
zero= false, non-zero=true
zero= false, non-zero=true
False. It means it is slowing Down!
False. It means it is slowing Down!
It depends on whether it is a positive slope or a negative slope. If the velocity increases as time goes on, yes the particle is accelerating. If the velocity decreases as time goes on, it is decelerating.