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3mo ago

No, the skeleton does not directly help us digest our food. Digestion is mainly controlled by the digestive system, which includes organs like the stomach and intestines. The skeleton supports and protects these organs but does not play a direct role in digestion.

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Q: Does the skeleton help us digest our food?
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How does the skeleton helps us move?

The skeleton provides structure and support for muscles to attach to, allowing them to contract and move our body parts. Joints in the skeleton also enable flexibility and range of motion for movement. The skeleton acts as a lever system, amplifying and facilitating muscle contractions to produce movement.

How does the microorganism in yogurt help us?

The microorganism in yogurt, typically probiotic bacteria like Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus, help us by aiding in digestion, boosting the immune system, and promoting gut health. These "good" bacteria can help maintain a balanced gut microbiome, which is important for overall health and well-being.

How is a human skeleton different from the skeleton of an insect?

A human skeleton is internal and made up of bones, providing structure and support to the body. Insects have an exoskeleton, which is a hard outer shell that covers their body for support and protection. Insects molt their exoskeleton to grow, while humans do not.

What part of the skeleton moves so that we can chew food?

The part of the skeleton that moves so we can chew is the lower jaw or mandible. We need the upper jaw as well even though it doesn't move. It is called the maxilla.

What about some bacteria is important to humans in terms of our being able to maker proteins and nucleic acids from the food you eat?

Some bacteria living in our gut help us digest food and absorb nutrients efficiently. They also play a role in producing certain vitamins, such as vitamin K and some B vitamins, which are essential for our health. These bacteria contribute to the breakdown of proteins and nucleic acids from the food we consume, aiding in their absorption and utilization by our bodies.

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It help us in many different ways like they digest our food they give us witamin K they find the bad bacteria

What realeases enzymes to help us digest food?

Amylase, Lipase, Cellulase, Maltase, Lactase, Phytase, and Sucrase

Do you have a skeleton to protect your organs and to help us move and support your body?

Do we have a skeleton to protect our organs and to help us move and support our body

Does our skeleton help us to move?

not really..,,not really..,,

What is the mutualistic relationship between animals and digestive bacteria?

The animals need the bacteria to help break down the food. The bacteria benefit since they get food, while we benefit since the bacteria help us digest our food.

In what structures do amylase chemically digest food?

I am sorry. I don't know exactly what your question is asking but I do know that our stomach has many acids that help us digest food and our stomach is lined with mucus so the acids can't eat our stomach. Hope this helps! :)

How do sea urchins digest their food?

They have a stomach, just like us.

What are some ways bacteria make life easier?

Pro-biotic bacteria reside within our stomachs and colons and help us to better digest food.

What are three ways bacteria are helpful to you?

Bacteria are helpful to us in many ways. One way is by helping us digest our food. They also make vitamins in our digestive tract. They also help make our food by fermenting it, like cheese.

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