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Yes, high-energy bonds like those in ATP absorb a large amount of free energy when the phosphate group is attached during hydrolysis. This energy is released when the bond is broken, providing energy for cellular processes.

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Q: Does a high energy bond absorb large amount of free energy when the phosphate group is attached during hydrolysis?
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What is released from ATP every time a phosphate is removed?

Phosphate. * When the phosphate is removed, a packet of energy is released. The amount is generally given as about, -30.5 kJ mol-1 but the actual value depends on the physiological conditions, including pH and the concentration of magnesium ions.

Explain why ATP molecule splits?

ATP molecule splits to release energy that cells can use for various cellular activities. When a phosphate group is removed from ATP through hydrolysis, a large amount of energy is released, making it a useful energy currency for cellular functions.

What characteristic of this molecule ATP is responsible for its high energy level?

The high energy level of ATP is mainly due to the presence of its three phosphate groups. These phosphate bonds store a large amount of potential energy, which can be readily released through hydrolysis to drive cellular processes.

When ATP is hydrolyzed into ADP and inorganic phosphate?

Energy is released, which can be used to drive cellular processes. ATP hydrolysis is a key reaction in providing energy for metabolic pathways and cellular functions.

A high energy bond in ATP is formed when ATP is hydrolzed to ADP and one phosphate group?

When ATP is hydrolyzed to ADP and inorganic phosphate, a high-energy bond is formed in the phosphate-phosphate bond of ATP. This bond is rich in energy due to the repulsion between the negatively charged phosphate groups, making it readily available for cellular work. This energy can be harnessed for various biological processes, such as muscle contraction, active transport, and signaling.

What do ATP react with to release energy?

When ATP reacts with an protein, the free energy doesn't release as heat (in most cases), since the heat released from the massive amount of ATP would put the cell in dangerous levels. Instead, the hydrolysis of ATP is usually coupled with an endergonic reaction, in which the third inorganic phosphate group binds with another molecule.

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Why should we worry about amount of phosphate found in water?

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Does phosphate present in butter?

Yes, there is a small amount of phosphate naturally present in butter. However, the amount is relatively low compared to other sources of phosphorus in the diet.

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