Vacuoles can be found in all plant and fungal cells and some protist, animal and bacterial cells.
The central vacuole is in the plant cell.
The vacuole in an animal cell functions to store nutrients, waste products, and maintain the cell's shape and structure.
The vacuole in an animal cell is typically located near the center of the cell, surrounded by other organelles such as the nucleus and mitochondria.
Both plant and animal cells have a nucleus, which acts as the control center of the cell, housing the genetic material and regulating cell activities.
Lysosomes, centrosomes, and flagella are present only in animal cells. Chloroplasts, the central vacuole, the cell wall, and plasmodesmata are found only in plant cells.
The plant cell has a vacuole.
Plant cell vacuole is larger then animal cell vacuole
Yes. There is a vacuole in an animal cell.
Vacuole is located within the cell. It is found in plant cell but little or no vacuole is found in animal cell
A cell wall, chloroplasts and a vacuole. Actually, the animal cell has a vacuole it's just smaller.
A cell wall, chloroplasts and a vacuole. Actually, the animal cell has a vacuole it's just smaller.
A cell wall, chloroplasts and a vacuole. Actually, the animal cell has a vacuole it's just smaller.
The central vacuole is in the plant cell.
A vacuole is found in both animal and plant cells
The central vacuole is in the plant cell.
No, only plant cell have central vacuole.
The central vacuole is in the plant cell.