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Yes, sulfur has a strong and unpleasant smell often described as rotten eggs.

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Q: Does sulfur stink
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Related questions

Why does your fecal matter stink of match sticks?

Probably because of the sulfur content in both.

Why is poop stink?

The bacteria in feces produce methane gases or sulfur containing gases

How do you make a sulfur stink bomb?

You will need Sulfur A jar (this wont make it home alive) Fuse or Blackpowder to start it lightly pack the sulfur in to the container and insert the fure light and watch :)

Does gun powder stink?

Black gunpowder used in muskets and cannon contains sulfur. When it burns, the smoke smells like sulfur (stinks like eggs)

Why does the battery of your car stink?

The "Stink" is caused by the production of sulfur gases, you should be warned that it is also producing (more) hydrogen gas; a very dangerous gas (don't breath it).

What gas makes fart stink?

Swallowing air or gas or byproducts rotting

What does sulfur water plus citric acid plus sodium bicarbonate yield?

If done correctly a stink bomb. Mix sulfur and bicarb together, add Citric acid and a smelly gas is produced.

What is the future tense of stink?

The future tense of "stink" is "will stink."

What is the advantage of transporting sulfur as a liquid?

Transporting sulfur as a liquid allows for higher density, which means more sulfur can be transported in a smaller volume compared to solid sulfur. This can lead to cost savings in terms of transportation and storage. Additionally, liquid sulfur is easier to handle and less prone to dust-related issues.

A science slogan for the element sulfur?

Sulfur. We stink so you don't have to. Sulfur. Putting the brimstone in "fire and brimstone" sermons since 1532. Sulfur, the other yellow gold. Think sulfur. Sulfur - what REALLY makes the world go 'round.

Why do gogos stink?

They do not stink.

Does the stink bugs diet affect its stink?

no it will not. the stink bugs protection will always be there