Vampires, as mythological creatures, are often depicted as immortal or long-lived beings. However, in reality, vampire bats have a lifespan of around 7-9 years in the wild, while the lifespan of a vampire (if they actually existed) would depend on the specific lore or story in which they appear. Factors such as metabolism, biological makeup, and environment would all play a role in determining lifespan.
No, the lifespan of vampires is generally extended compared to humans due to their supernatural abilities and immortality. The specific lifespan of a vampire can vary depending on the lore or mythology being portrayed.
According to folklore, vampires are said to live forever by feeding on the blood of the living. They are believed to possess immortality as long as they continue to consume blood to sustain themselves.
Vampires and vampire bats feed on blood for its high nutrient content, particularly protein and iron. Blood is a readily available food source that provides essential nutrients to sustain these creatures' energy needs.
In vampire folklore, they are often depicted as living for a long time due to their immortality or ability to regenerate. This can vary depending on the specific lore or portrayal in different stories or myths.
Vampires live as long as humans do generally.
800 years but vampires live longer
Their is no such thing as vampires!! but if u wanna be a dummie then go ahead and believe in vampire YOUR CHOICE i m telling ya! dont waste ur time and life bu their are vampire bats who r just bats and can live long cause they r animals!!
Vampires don't live. In order to be a vampire you have to be dead. Once being a vampire you can perpetuate your existence indefinitely.
they can live for up to 4000 years. However, few actually do, because a vampire's life is very physically they live for at least 200 - 400 years much longer than vampire batsSnowfire97 (18/04/09):Vampires are actually thought as being immortal.However, it has never been proved that vampires live longer than normal people.Itako Shiann - 4/01/10I always thought vampires were immortal. But after many many many thousands of years their bodies change slightly. hair loses color etc. Vampire bats however do not live as long as actual vampires .... unless a vampire actually bit them and they became a vampiric vampire bat :)
they can live for up to 4000 years. However, few actually do, because a vampire's life is very physically they live for at least 200 - 400 years much longer than vampire batsSnowfire97 (18/04/09):Vampires are actually thought as being immortal.However, it has never been proved that vampires live longer than normal people.Itako Shiann - 4/01/10I always thought vampires were immortal. But after many many many thousands of years their bodies change slightly. hair loses color etc. Vampire bats however do not live as long as actual vampires .... unless a vampire actually bit them and they became a vampiric vampire bat :)
Vampires are a legendary creature that is essentially immortal as long as it is not destroyed using the specific methods described in the legends. The average life of a vampire bat is 9 years in the wild. They can live for 20 or more years in captivity.
Vampires are undead, so they can live forever without ever living or dying... Also, your question says "an vampire bat" when it should say "a vampire bat." You are welcome... xD
Well, vampires don't really exist in my belief but its told that vampires live forever and will never die.
forever.To be picky, a vampires life span is indeterminate. That means we are unaware of a vampire that has died of 'natural causes'. For sure a vampire can live for a very long time indeed. The only deaths that we know of are those that have been 'induced' that is 'helped along' in some way.If you mean how long do they live, they're immortal.
Vampires are a legendary creature that is essentially immortal as long as it is not destroyed using the specific methods described in the legends. The average life of a vampire bat is 9 years in the wild. They can live for 20 or more years in captivity.
Vampires are able to live forever. Things that will bring down a vampire is a werewolf, or a steak in the heart.