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No, I believe that the pulmonary system contains more blood. This is because the veins act as "reservoirs" and can contain up to 65% of the body's blood supply.

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3mo ago

No, the pulmonary circuit contains less blood than the systemic circuit. The pulmonary circuit sends deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs for oxygenation, while the systemic circuit delivers oxygenated blood from the heart to the rest of the body's tissues.

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Q: Do the pulmonary and systemic circuits contain the same amount of blood?
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What is in pulmonary cavity?

The pulmonary cavity houses the lungs, which are essential for breathing and gas exchange in the body. It is located within the thoracic cavity and is surrounded by the rib cage to provide protection and support to the lungs. The pulmonary cavity also contains other structures such as blood vessels, bronchi, and connective tissues that support the function of the lungs.

2 ways oxygen is carried in the blood?

Oxygen binds (oxygenation) to metalloproteins (like hemoglobin in mammals) in erythrocytes (red blood cells). When the oxygenated metalloprotein reaches a tissue, the environment (low pH, high CO2 partial pressure, etc.) triggers the O2 unloading and CO2 loading. The O2 is then taken up into the tissue.

How many chromosomes would a tetraploid potato gametic cell contain?

A tetraploid potato cell would contain four sets of chromosomes, so a gametic cell would contain half that amount, which is two sets (diploid). This means a tetraploid potato gametic cell would contain 48 chromosomes.

What is an organism that has been dead a very short time will contain a relatively large amount of?

An organism that has been dead a very short time will contain a relatively large amount of oxygen due to the lack of cellular respiration. Oxygen levels in the tissues will remain high until decomposition processes consume oxygen and other nutrients.

Which structure contain the lowest amount of oxygen?

The lowest amount of oxygen can be found in a carbohydrate molecule such as a fatty acid or a lipid. These molecules have a higher ratio of carbon and hydrogen atoms compared to oxygen atoms.

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What are the two main circulatory routes in the body?

You have lesser circulation or the pulmonary circulation. Blood goes to lungs in this system from the right side of heart. You have greater circulation or the systemic circulation. Blood goes to all over the rest of body through this circulation. The amount of blood that flows is same in both the systems. You have about 25/15 mm of Hg pressure in pulmonary circulation. You have about 120/80 mm of Hg pressure in systemic circulation.

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The pulmonary artery contains the least amount of oxygen, as it carries deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs to be oxygenated.

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You have aorta or systemic aorta that arise from your heart. This very big artery arise from the left ventricle. You have a big pulmonary aorta, that arise from your right ventricle. The systemic aorta is the bigger than pulmonary aorta. Although both of them carry the same amount of blood.

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The largest blood vessel in your body is your ascending and descending aorta. The capillaries have an extensive network, but are not all in use at any one time. Notes indicate that blood typically is located at: Systemic Veins and venules - 64% Systemic Arteries and arterioles - 13% Pulmonary Vessels - 9% Heart - 7% Systemic capillaries - 7% See linked PDF, page 8.

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The pulmonary veins have the least amount of waste.

When lung tissue retains a excessive amount of fluid?

Pulmonary edema

What is the largest vein in your circulatory system?

The one going TO the heart from the body probably. I think the pulmonary vein which goes to the heart from the lungs at the heart is probably the same size due to the amount of blood that flows to the heart.

How is the heart involved in pulmonary circulation?

Right side of the heart is involved in pulmonary circulation. This circulation is called, at times, as lesser circulation, as against the greater or systemic circulation. Blood that flows through the lesser and greater circulation is same in amount. But there is gross difference between the two. You have interstitial compartment in the systemic circulation. This is maintained through high blood pressure there. You do not have the same in pulmonary circulation. What you need here is simple blood flow, with out formation of the interstitial compartment. For that you have blood systolic blood pressure of about 25 mm of mercury. The blood pressure in the capillaries is about 15 mm of the mercury. The oncotic pressure of the blood proteins is about 22 mm of mercury. So very little fluid is leaked out to keep the alveoli wet. Some times in diseased condition more fluid is leaked out in the alveoli, to give rise to pulmonary oedema.

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Im not quite sure what you mean. The body has 3 separate circulations; systemic, pulmonary and coronary. The coronary circulation sends oxygenized blood to the heart muscles so it can receive the necessary nutrients. There is not a set amount of nutrients the heart pulls from the blood, it is based on need. The heart does get all of its nutrients from the blood.

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