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When we breath, we inhale oxygen and after a slightly complicated gas exchange in our lungs we exhale CO2, or carbon-dioxide. plants use that to help with the production of the ATP (Adenine-triphosphate) energy molecule that they need, as well as glucose if my memory serves me right.

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Plants give off oxygen, which humans need to breath.

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13y ago

Plants give out oxygen and us animals breathe it in. This is one of the reasons why plants are so important to us.

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ya mean carbon dioxide!! LOL

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15y ago

oxygen oxygen

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14y ago

Carbon Dioxide, CO2.

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Q: Which gas do plants give off that other living things need to live?
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Some of the living and non-living things in ecosystem interdependent are plants. Plants give out oxygen.

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Do you mean how are living things different from non-living? If yes, living things have cells, give off wastes, and some other stuff.

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Yes, it does. When the plants get light, they photosynthesis and give out oxygen to the aquatic animals.The animals then give out carbon dioxide to the plants for them to photosynthesis. But if, there is no sunlight, the plants cannot photosynthesis to make food and give out oxygen to the aquatic animals.Both the aquatic plants and animals eventually die. Therefore, the light affects the amount of living things in a water environment.

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Oxygen is the gas given off by plants during the photosynthetic process that living things need for respiration.

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Living things are interdependent as they rely on each other for resources like food, water, and shelter. For example, plants produce oxygen through photosynthesis which is essential for the survival of animals. Additionally, organisms play roles in complex ecosystems where they help maintain biodiversity and balance within the environment.

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Who first said plants are living things?

The idea that plants are living things has been widely recognized for centuries. However, it was the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle who is often credited with differentiating between living and non-living entities, including plants.