it does not because goosebumps is just a nerve reaction it probably just makes you hair stand up . ^-^
Hair follicles. Tiny muscles around them tighten, causing bumps. But the real reason you get goose bumps is that they make your hair stand up straight. This is important, not to humans, anymore, but to animals for two reasons: 1. The standing-up hair is more effective as an insulator, and helps keep the animal warm. This is why goose bumps occur when it is cold. 2. To an enemy, the standing-up hair makes the animal look bigger, and may cause another animal to not attack.
Goosebumps are the result of tiny muscles called arrector pili contracting, causing hairs to stand on end. This response is triggered by emotions such as fear or cold temperatures, as a way to trap heat or make the individual appear larger.
There is no scientific evidence to suggest that eating cabbage specifically makes your hair grow faster. Hair growth is primarily influenced by genetics, overall health, and nutrition. Eating a balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrients, such as proteins, vitamins, and minerals, is important for maintaining healthy hair growth.
The description of small white bumps in a semicircle on a toddler's tongue could potentially be transient lingual papillitis, which is a common condition in children. It is usually harmless and resolves on its own without treatment. However, if the bumps persist, enlarge, or are associated with other symptoms, it is best to consult a healthcare provider for a proper evaluation and diagnosis.
The dead cells that make up a hair are called keratinocytes.
Hair follicles. Tiny muscles around them tighten, causing bumps. But the real reason you get goose bumps is that they make your hair stand up straight. This is important, not to humans, anymore, but to animals for two reasons: 1. The standing-up hair is more effective as an insulator, and helps keep the animal warm. This is why goose bumps occur when it is cold. 2. To an enemy, the standing-up hair makes the animal look bigger, and may cause another animal to not attack.
These are the muscles that make your hair stand up.... goose bumps, anyone?
tiny muscle fibers attached to each hair follicle, which contract to make the hairs stand on end, causing goose bumps.
No muscles are associated with hair follicles,A hair follicle is a part of the skin that grows hair by cramping old cells tightly. Attached to the follicle is a sebaceous gland, a tiny sebum-producing gland found everywhere except on the palms, lips and soles of the feet. The thicker the density of the hair, the more the number of sebaceous glands that are found.
no the roots make your hair grow when you wash your hair
no i do not think that tea make your hair grow
Shampoo doesnt make your hair grow or prevent it. stimulation of the root help your hair grow. So as your washing your hair and your scrubbing your scalp that's what help your hair grow.
You can't. Your hair will grow or not grow with or without mayonnaise.
Yes you can make your hair in ypour armpits to grow, you must shave it then it will grow back.
The child's hair should grow faster if you trim it but you can't make it grow faster
The pilomotor response, also known as goosebumps or goose pimples, is a reflex in which hair follicles contract in response to cold temperatures or strong emotions, causing hairs to stand on end. This response is caused by the contraction of tiny muscles at the base of each hair follicle, which can help trap heat close to the skin or make animals appear larger in the face of a threat.
Hair extensions do not in themselves make your hair grow,but instead give your hair more time to rest and grow