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isotonic solution is when the cell content has the same solute potential as the solution the cell is in. therefore no net movement of molecules.
when a animal cell is placed in a hypotonic solution (a solution containing less solute particles than inside cell e.g water) molecules move from a high water potential to a low one because diffusion. net movement is into the cell. because of this the cell swells and eventually burst. this is osmotic shock.
in a hypertonic solution the net movement is out of the cell. the cell shrinks this is called crenation.

plant cell have a cell wall so in a hypotonic solution the cell swells but doesn't not burst because of the strong structure of the cellulose cell wall.the cell becomes turgid.
in a hypertonic solution the net movement is out of the cell because of the high solute conc outside the cell. the cell membrane begins to pull away from the cell wall. the cell is plasmolysed. when fully plasmolysed it is irreversible.

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3w ago

Animal cells prefer isotonic solutions, where the concentration of solutes inside the cell is the same as outside. In a hypertonic solution, the cell would lose water and shrink, while in a hypotonic solution, the cell would take in water and potentially burst.

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10y ago

neither, animal cells prefer an isotonic environment

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Q: Do animal cells prefer hypertonic or hypotonic solutions?
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